Friday, July 30, 2004

Since I don't have time for a new post, here's one I stole from Jon's site circa 2002.  I was a little upset that ants and rust had taken over the pots, I had also just come home for work and was quite hungry...the following conversation took place on AOL IM...enjoy

Don't take *punch* no crap *punch* from noBODY!
Just when everyone things I'm the biggest beeotch in the world to life with, here comes Ryan to one-up me....
IrishIslander: i threw all our pots into the woods last night
jchain307: really?
jchain307: why?
IrishIslander: my apt is full of animals!
IrishIslander: they should live outdoorsjchain307: like you're not one of them
IrishIslander: so i put the pots out there
IrishIslander: i have my limits
IrishIslander: i never leave pots on the stove (mind you we have ants) with food in them!jchain307: but somebody did?
IrishIslander: yeah
IrishIslander: so i through them in the woods
IrishIslander: they obviously wnat to live with animals
IrishIslander: so i decided to put them out there with them
jchain307: "I'm had all I can stands, and I can't stands no more!"
jchain307: nice
IrishIslander: alright
IrishIslander: i gotta run
Ryan McCauley, call him what you will, tubby, drunkard, knucklhead, gas-machine, but you can't deny, the man's got a good arm! I mean, you should see how far the woods are from his back door. Lets just hope the crazies don't find them(yes, Ryan's apartment is right next to a Center for the Criminally Insane. He lives one flew away from the cuckoo's nest!)

Thursday, July 29, 2004

All By Myself…
Starting sometime in September, I will be all by myself for the duration of my lease which ends in December.  My roommate is going to be moving on to bigger and less smelly places.  I of course will not bathe from September to December, but I will still be around.  I’ve just though how weird the place will look half moved out.  Notable items that you may notice missing from my place:
Couches/Chairs…if you see one on the side of the road let me know it’s exact location
Silverware…you’d think I’d have bought some silverware myself, but nope.  Oh I have like serving spoons and tongs and such, but no silverware…except a paring knife.  I find it ironic that I’ll having a paring knife but nothing to pair it with. 
Curtains…looks like the neighbors will get a glimpse of the final frontier.
Shower Curtains…Nobody is sneaking up on me ala Psycho! 
Pictures…who needs pictures when you have a mirror?
Cleanliness…I assume the apartment will take on a gym sock smell. 
Food…there will be less of it…don’t come over expecting to be fed. 
After I’m done in December, it’s off to Del Boca Jonathan…or maybe home for a month to save so dough.  Pizza dough that is!  Now all we need is Greg, the beach, and momma Sonk’s pasta and beans! 

Today’s post has been brought to you by Jack’s Joke Shop off of exit 290 on 295..

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

“I’m Sort of Like Jesus but Not In a Sac religious way”
-Homer Simpson when on Hunger Strike
While not on hunger strike, I am on a hunger strike of my own sorts.  Unfortunately due to lack of time and funds, I am attempting to make it until Friday without any food in the apartment besides a few items.  A jar of peanut butter, a loaf of low carb bread, and a thing of sushi (I have three California rolls left), and some milk…oh yeah and some lemonade.  Why the hell are you doing this?  Well, until I get my $300 deposit back for my rental car that I had to get since I was in a car accident, I have a severe lack of funds.  Also I will have to soon pay rent, car insurance payment, deductible, and my student loan.  Along with some other smaller bills which I can make minimum payments on, or pay with plastic.  I will probably activate that Visa that came in the mail yesterday, but I really don’t want another credit card.  I have two and I keep them moderately in check, but plastic is a terrible thing sometimes.  Technically I am able to afford the $400 smack in the face for the deductible, but I can’t at the same time the $300 is out, and that won’t be refunded until 2-3 after it is processed at the site.  I don’t understand how they can take money out automatically and then it takes that long to go back in your account?  Anyone care to explain?   Oh well, the frosted side of me tells me I’m lucky to be alive and could be in a far worse place (example Crawford, Texas..BA Zing Bushie!) than having to worry about paying bills...but the plain side tells me to just eat the frosted side because I don’t have any food in the apartment.  Oh well, at least I get up on time for work! 

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

What Celebs Say about Fahrenheit 9/11
Courtesy of

Joan Baez:"In the end, if we manage to get out of this without either World War III happening or whatever other scenarios this administration has for us, it'll be because people kept doing things like making statements, signing petitions. It'll be because the Michael Moore's out there didn't quit." (San Diego Union-Tribune, 6/17)

Drew Barrymore:"I never come to premieres, but I'm so here on this one. I'm looking forward to this more than anything in the world." (USA Today 6/10)

Tony Bennett:"For a documentary to win over every other film in the Cannes Film Festival is unheard of, so he's quite a genius." (KXAN-TV, 6/15)

Mary J. Blige:"I have to vote this year. After seeing that movie, I can't do anything else." (NY Times, 7/6)

Big Boi of "Outkast":"... urged people 'to take time to catch Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11.'" (, 7/15)

Princess Caroline of Monaco to Michael Moore:"My mother would have been so proud of your movie." (Detroit Free Press, 5/21)

Bill Clinton:"I think every American ought to see it." (Rolling Stone, 7/13)
"As far as I know, none of the facts in the movie have been refuted. That is, I think the evidence in the movie is accurate." (Nova TV (Dutch), 7/14)

Mario Cuomo after watching Fahrenheit 9/11 3 times:"I was convinced that it should be viewed and reflected upon by as many Americans as possible... especially young people who, in a few years, might be part of our military forces. I'm committed personally to the proposition, as more than just a lawyer, that everybody should see this film." (Chicago Sun-Times, 6/17)

Carson Daly:"I think it's important that there's something that's provocative out there for younger people. I'm 30 so for anybody that doesn't think about what's important to the country, at least there's something provocative that they can go see, make up their own mind." (KXAN-TV, 6/15)

Patti Davis, daughter of Ronald Reagan: "Seeing Fahrenheit 9/11 made me think deeply about love of country, how it molds us, drives and emboldens us and how it can sometimes make us so angry we want to shout out to the world: 'No, this is wrong.' Many things have been said about the movie, and of course about its director, Michael Moore. But I don't think I've heard anyone comment on Moore's love for America. It seemed evident to me that the film was born from that love." (Newsweek, 7/20)

Leonardo DiCaprio: "I think a lot of people are going to be talking about this film. And I think a lot more people who are on the fence about who to vote for, after they see the film, they'll be solidified in their vote." (NY Observer, 6/21)

Dale Earnhardt Jr.:said that he had taken his buddies to see Fahrenheit 9/11 and that "it's a good thing as an American to go see." (The Guardian, 7/10)

Frances Fisher: "Every American has to see this movie." (USA Today 6/10)

John Fogerty: "With the Michael Moore movie, certain conservative talk show hosts call him un-American. Him and anybody else who says anything about the war... To question your country's policy, especially in a war that kills people, is definitely not un-American. It's probably the most patriotic thing you can do." (Scripps Howard News Service, 7/14)

Tom Hanks:"I want Michael Moore to have my seven bucks for that movie." (USA Today, 6/15)

Seymour Hersh:"The truth is it's so ironic. The best information we may get about this election may come from a combination of The Control Room, Fahrenheit 9/11, John Sayles, the nightly news from Jon Stewart..." (, 7/19)

Annie Lennox:"Last night I got the chance to see Michael Moore's new film, Fahrenheit 9/11. It was utterly compelling, and incredibly thought provoking. I'd highly recommend seeing it." (, 7/9)

Madonna: "I don't think I ever cried so hard at a movie in my life. I urge each and every one of you to see it." (NY Daily News, 6/18)

Camryn Manheim:"A lot of us look to Michael Moore to uncover the real truth." (USA Today 6/10)

Moby:"I think Fahrenheit 9/11 is very truthful. I think the reason Fahrenheit 9/11 is so important is because it tells the truth about issues where the truth has been suppressed for the last three years." (CNBC, "Topic A with Tina Brown", 6/20)

Rob Reiner:"I think this is one of the most important films ever made. It has the potential of actually affecting the election, and if it does, it will change the world. There are very few films or works of art that have a profound effect on world affairs," he said, mentioning "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and "I Am a Fugitive From a Chain Gang." "But this actually has a chance to change the world." (Hollywood Reporter, 6/10)

Linda Ronstadt:"I've been dedicating 'Desperado' every night to Michael Moore, trying to get people to go see Fahrenheit 9/11." (Las Vegas Review-Journal, 7/16)

Emily Saliers of "The Indigo Girls":"I was moved by it - especially the story of the woman who lost her son in the war. I went with a bunch of friends, and we all cried. I couldn't really talk after the film for about 30 minutes afterward." (Denver Post, 7/23)

Leelee Sobieski:"(It) should be required for everyone in America to see as part of their education in high schools." (USA Today 6/10)

Tilda Swinton:When an Italian journalist complained that the film had "only one point of view," she replied, "We've heard what Bush has to say. We live with it. It's not a fair fight. This film helps to redress the balance." (Chicago Sun-Times, 5/24)

Quentin Tarantino, Cannes 2004 Jury President:"We want you to know that the politics of your film had nothing to do with this award . . . We're giving (it to) you, because you made a great movie." (Chicago Tribune, 5/30)

"A film can be funny and that's all it has to be. It can make me cry. It can make me laugh. It can disturb me. It can elate me. This film did all of those." (Toronto Globe and Mail, 5/25)

Uma Thurman:"I'd like to hear why it is that Disney thinks (Moore) should be censored. I'd like to hear a statement to that." (Entertainment Weekly, 5/28) 

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog: "Not for me to poop on"  Ok I added that last one to see if you're paying attention

I Wish I was Ricky Williams...except for the crazy part

For those of you who don't know who this is...and I have a pretty idea who doesn't, Mr. Chain.  Ricky Williams is a pro football player...or should I say was.  You see Ricky "Crazier than Son of Sam" Williams decided to call it quits at the old age of 27.  That's right, he's retired.  He's going off to Asia and then to Martha's Vineyard.  While most people are just beginning to become embittered with the fact that they have another 35+ years of work ahead of them at the age of 27, Ricky retires a millionaire.  While he never lived up the expectation that came with him along with his Heisman trophy, Ricky did it his way. You know like the time he refused to take his helmets off for inteviews....for the WHOLE SEASON!  Ricky, I salute high as a kite from marijuana bastard. 

Monday, July 26, 2004

My Trip To Del Boca Vista
Ok, so not exactly to Del Boca Vista, but I did head on down to the Sunshine State for a wedding this past weekend.  My cousin, Heather got married on Saturday to Teddy, and I'd like a chance to say Congratulations to both of you again.  My family and I flew down there on Friday, and I didn't need to go flying like B.A. Barrackus on the A-Team!  See, I'm not a great flyer, I just like being on the ground.  Call me a wuss, or what have you, just my way.  We took USAir down or as my father has dubbed it "USscare" (before you call the FBI into trying to figure out if this is some terrorist threat that my dad has posed towards USAir, use your brain, it's there for a reason). 
Florida is hot, hot, hot!
It is swamp ass hot down in Florida....I got up at 8Am a couple times and both times was greeted with 85 degree instant swamp ass.  The first day down there wasn't much, ate lunch at the Murray Brothers' Caddyshack restaurant.  Lots of pics of Bill and his bros.  After that I chilled with some family.  Some of them I hadn't seen in over 14 years so as they noted "you'r so much taller".  After that it was off to the San Sebastian Winery for the rehearsal dinner.  Good food and open bar always equals a good time.  But add in family and it turns into an awesome time.  After the winery it was back to the "courtesy suite" for more drinks.  Unfortunately, my body reminded me I had been up since 4AM, so I went to bed around 1030.  Woke up the next morning ready for some fun times.  I sat downstairs and attempted to go outside and read the paper....unfortunately the heat was ready to heat me, so I found a comfy chair and read the paper while I awaited my folks to arise for breakfast.  Dad appeared solo as my mom had her normal 2 glass of wine hangover.  I don't know where I get the ability to drink from, but it isn't heriditary.  We played some mini-golf, sat around the pool napped and ate a lite lunch at Sam Snead's.  (Jon, he used to be a golfer...I'm not sure if he's dead yet...something to check on tomorrow). 
After another nap (I like napping on vacation for some reason, but can't nap at home), it was time to get ready for the wedding while trying to catch updates on the Sox/Yanks game.  The service was great and presided over (no joke) Seamus O'Flynn.  Yup, only this Irish Catholic priest had a sense of humor and a self-deprecating one at that. 
RECEPTION TIME!!!!! Drink it up People
Onto the reception....where the highlight was a awesome time had by all!  They had 5 stations of food...and oh baby it was all soooooo good.  Grilling outside (lobster tails, shrimp kabobs, chix kabobs and veggie kabobs), Mashed potatoes (3 kinds of mashed potatoes with all the fixins...actually when I saw this station I had to go change my pants because I cremed myself), Salad, Lunchmeats/fruits/misc., and the meat carving station.  Later on there was fondoo for dipping all sorts of goodies, and of course cake.   I hung out mostly with my dad (Ryan go after the girl that is sitting on another guy's lap...I got your back), and a couple of uncles and aunts.  I got my dancing over with early so I could drink it up.  Took mom out on the floor, because I know she'd be happy to dance with me.  After awhile I realized my Uncle Ray (who is usually pretty quiet and subdued) was screaming "BEASTIE BOYSSSSSSS!" and falling on the dance floor...this from a guy who told his wife he was DD! As he was using the wall to hold himself up while saying his goodbyes, he told one of my cousin's she was awesome and gave us all fives.  Oh yeah and he also had tried to take the garter belt off his own niece....needless to say we all pointed him in the opposite direction.  This might make my uncle sound like a loser, but he's really a great guy.  Just doesn't get out much with 3 kids. 
After the wedding back to the courtesy suite for more boozing!  This courtesy suite rocks!  Anyway I left at 1130 because we had to get up early and drive to the airport...My sis's boyfriend got drunk and was pretty funny also.  Good times...then we flew back to Philly :(  I really want to thank my Uncle Paul and Auntie Donna for inviting me, and again say congrats to the newlyweds.  Oh, this blog is outta time!

Yeah I finally figured out how to allow people to post, if you want in and you're not a  evil monkey, then contact me at so I can add you to the posting group.  If you are an evil monkey, god help you.

Sunday, July 25, 2004

The Night The Car Went Down In Ewing….and other blogworthy materials. 
Just when I thought I would get out of debt…they pulled me back in.  That was my cynical attitude when I first got into my accident; my insurance company meanwhile gave me no good reason to change my tone.  I’ll go into all this later, but first I’ll describe the crime scene.  So I met up with Kris and Lynn to hang out and you know chill.  Watched some TV, bitched about the Sox, and got a bite to eat.  After that I saw that it was getting past my bedtime (940…yeah you read right, I like to go to bed by 10-1030, but I need some time to wind down).  Ok that last sentence wasn’t really needed, it just shows how much of a loser I am!  I decided to travel home via Olden Ave…better known as “the beautiful Olden Avenue corridor”.  The only thing lovely about  Olden Avenue is that they built one of those new Shoprite that has so much excellent premade food.  Anyway, I  got to the point in Olden where they are repaving it.  Unfortunately when I road has train tracks going across it, they do not remove the concrete surrounding the tracks.  They causes a large bump to form.  Now, say you were changing a CD, and traveling at  oh why  don’t we say 30-35 mph. You missed seeing the “BUMP” sign.  You hit said bump going at said speed and you get in said accident.  Even though the front of your car has no damage to it, your airbags deploy, your passenger side airbag doesn’t actually go towards where the passenger would be sitting, but instead shoots into the windshield thereby causing it to take on the appearance  one of Spiderman’s web.  Your car is drivable, but never having been in an accident before..wink wink, you panic, pull over, wet yourself, and call your friends to come and pick you up.  So after you get off the phone with your friends to come and take you to the hospital, you realize your wrist is bleeding and its got this huge bump right underneath the cut, only it isn’t a bruise, it feels like some blood building up.  Well, since you have nothing sanitary to put on the wound, you simply apply pressure with your other hand.  ( Editor’s Note:  Luckily my love life was saved since it was only my left wrist) .  Luckily Lynn and Kris soon arrived and Lynn had papertowels in the car.  My hand started feeling sort of numb in the fingertips, but I wasn’t that worried since we were about 3 mins from a hospital.  They triaged me fairly quickly then I really didn’t wait around that long to get to see the doctor….by ER standards.  Is it just me, or do you expect to see Eriq LaSalle’s super glow hair cut and grimacing face anytime you enter an ER?  So I only ended up having an abrasion, some chemical burns from the airbag, and some bruises.  The swelling around the cut went down, and I didn’t look like I had Popeye wrists and longer.  After completing the police report and waiting for mom to come on up, I was back behind the wheel of my beleaguered Civic.  I will say that the Civic after and accident still drives better than the Maxima was. 

You’re not in safe hands with Allstate, they’re putting a fist up your cornhole

Every month I’m reminded about how much my insurance company sucks.  The bill comes in and I say “Jesus Christ on a crutch”,   However, now I’ve reached a new hell with my insurance company which is the “Holy Fucking Moses” part.  My insurance company doesn’t call back.  I left 3 messages before I got a call back from who I should take my car to so I can get the damage estimated.  It’s a fine line to decide if you’ve called to much or if you haven’t called enough.  But none of this should happen, because the insurance company should call you back the FIRST TIME.  So after explaining the accident, they decided not to look into the accident, even though I told them that my neighbor had told me that at least 5  people have had accidents there in the past year.  You know, you wouldn’t want to investigate the state and have the possibility of collecting some money from them instead of ass-raping me.  No, instead of paying you $4000 to do nothing for me, I’ll soon be paying you  more than $4000 to do nothing.  Happy times are here again.  Do I sound angry?  Well I am.  The don’t explain things properly, they don’t set up a rental car for me until I force the issue,  and they don’t help me out!  ARRRRRRRRRRRRGH.  I missed work with all this going on, and I’m told that I will get a call back and don’t.  Oh well, I’ll be searching for a new insurance company as soon as this mess is settled. 
I got a Jeep Liberty as my rental car…I gotta say I’m disappointed…I was looking forward to bitching about getting a Plymouth Horizon ;)  The only bad thing I can say about the car is that it is a gas guzzling beast…I guess I just got used to the Civic. 
Today, Friday, I’m on a plane heading to sunny Florida.  My cousin is getting married, and I’m on a free ride.  All I can think of when I fly is two things. 

Family Guy Stewie singing “Rocket Man” ala William Shatner’s version:  She packed my bags, pre-flight, zero hour…and I’m going to get hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh as a kite. 

Adam Sandler singing “This is ground  control to Major Tom…”  in Mr. Deeds. 

Gotta go, getting ready to land. 

Sunday, July 18, 2004

I hope I've reached the point where I can joke about this...but if it hasn't, then I apologize in advance.  You'll see what I mean a little bit later, but for now onto the show! 
Friday or I, Rybot
Ever since Independence Day; Jon, Greg and myself have had a borderline neurotic obsession with seeing every Will Smith blockbuster.  There have been many great times including MIB, MIB2, and a few others.  But along with the good there have been the bad:  Wild Wild West, Ali.  "I, Robot" falls into the former category.  It was simply sickening...and I don't just mean that as a word describing how well it was made, I also use it to describe the camera movement which cause my stomach to turn on end.  I guess the real story of the movie is the fact that AMC has managed to further screw moviegoers.  Now, I'm going to sound like an old guy from the 50's saying "I remember when a movie cost a nickel!"  but I do remember when a student ID got you into a movie for $5, then $5.50, $6, and now $6.50....except now they've added $1 to that price on weekend movies.  Alas, like the dodo and free refills on popcorn, cheap student prices for movies are going bye bye.  I really go perturbed at the movie theater, and using the word perturbed gives me gas, so I'm going to stop ranting...
And move onto Saturday.  This is the day where I hope I've reached the point where I can joke about what happens...well you'll see what I mean when we get there.  Anyway, Mike, Paul, Ian, Matt and myself met up in Manayunk for Mike's bachelor party.  Not, you're probably going to say "Ryan, is this going to be a night where you just describe how much booze you can all fit, before your bodies reject alcohol in favor of Denny's Grand Slam breakfast?"  Noooooooooooooo, actually it started off that way.  We went to Manayunk Brewery, which I highly recommend the IPA...and not just because it has 8% alcohol.  So, we then walked off to another bar (Setup note, Ian had gone to the beach all day and decided not to eat anything till Manayunk and apparently not drank any liquids...silly rabbits drinks are for hydration).  Ok, so to make a long story short we were sitting at the next bar when Ian got up and didn't look great, but I just figured he was going to go puke or something.  A couple seconds later, we heard BAM! And we looked over and Ian was down on the ground.  (Editors note:  In case you don't know Ian or the situation or understand why I had a setup note earlier, I'll give you a little more info on the situation:  Ian had only had 2 drinks, he doesn't do drugs, he doesn't have allergies, and to my knowledge does not have a metal plate in his head.)  Obviously we all jumped out of our chairs to see what had happened and to make sure he was ok.  I have to say that when I got over to him I was quite scared, having never seen anyone black out in this manner...he managed to hit his head, chin and chest on the corner of a service area.  His eyes were completely glazed over and his hand was twitching a little bit.  I know all the guys were really scared...but then 5 seconds after we got over there, he popped up ala The Undertaker from the WWF.  The paramedics arrived and checked him out, he seemed ok and his vitals were fine.  After they left, we got Ian drinking some water, and started to talk about what happened when Ian started feeling like he had when he went down.  So the bartender called the paramedics back and Ian was off to the hospital with Matt riding shotgun.  The three of us waited for Shana to arrive so we could get to the hospital.  SIDENOTE:  THE AMERICAN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IS IN COMPLETE WORKING ORDER, NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS ABOUT IT BEING IN DISSARAY DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE CRAZY "COMMIE LIBERALS" PUT YOUR FAITH IN PRESIDENT CHENEY AND BUSHBOY.  YOU KNOW CAUSE ON NURSE IN A PHILADEPHIA AREA HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM MAKES SENSE!    Anyway, Ian ended up being ok, he was just dehydrated from his day at the beach and probably having those 2 beers given his dehyration were just enough to cause the black out.  I'm glad our friend only had something seemingly minor in comparison of what it could have been.  It's moments like that, that I realize I'm really lucky to have great friends that for some reason still hang around with me, despite the smell.  Seeing how we all were there for Ian, made me realize that everyone would be there for me if the roles were reversed.  Ian is fine now...drinking his Pedialite.  That's right Pedialite....sorry, Ian, but you drinking Pedialite is funny. 
This blog has been brough to you by the letters W and Z.  And also by the numbers 6, 4 and 22. 

Monday, July 12, 2004

Giant Blogs, Giant Blogs, What Can I Say?

I feel like I've returned to the world of weekends just in the nic of time. Somehow, I've got something planned on just about every Saturday for the rest of the summer. I get the distinct impression that requesting off every Saturday for the summer, wouldn't have gone over so well at my ol' job. Now onto this weekends recap!

Weekends start on Thursdays (when you know you'll get out of work at 2 on Friday)
I had never known a weekend in recent times, nevermind weekends that start early.
Thursday was simply incredible. I'll set it up then knock it down.
1. Free Concert
2. Cheesesteaks
3. Finnigan's Wake

Y-100 has decided to do free concerts every Thursday all summer, and since my body always seems to point me in the direction of anything that is free (although I've learned somethings aren't that great even when they're free ice cream resulting in my soccer ball like physique). This concert I would rate as a C+. I couldn't see the band, I didn't know any songs, and I felt 10 years older than most people there. It still was a good time, mind you, just wasn't into the bands. Although we did manage to pass the time with the lovable pasttimes: Find the freakiest hair style (kudos the mohawk man) and Hottest Girl Under 18 (Note to any law enforcement officials watching this webpage...I only guess on girls that looked under 18, but weren't actually ;)

After listening to music in 80 degree heat, we managed to drag ourselves to some cheesesteaks at Tony Lukes. In my humble opinion the three best places to go to get some steaks in Philly (aka the best Cheesesteak Town) is Pat's, Geno's and Tony Luke's. I found myself with a Chix Cheesesteak, and although it was good I have had better chix. cheesesteaks. Call me classless, but I enjoy the chopped up chicken meat, not actual pieces of chicken. Does anyone else find themselves drawn to look at pictures of celebrities everytime you go to a place to eat, even though you know what celebrities are in the pictures and can probably find any given celeb's pic if only given their name? No? Anyone? Oh well, just me I guess.

The Finale: Finnigan's Wake
During my "I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to music, cause I'm a goober phase" I used to think cover bands were hacks. Now that I've entered my "I realize cover bands can be really awesome especially when they have incredibly sexy lead singers" I really do appreciate cover bands. Kristen and The Noise were no exception to my new cover band mentality. Kristen has abs that you will dream about everynight after you see them for at least 4 nights and counting...If I stop dreaming of them, I'll let you know. If you'd like to checkout Kristen and the Rest, IF this link doesn't work and your a male and want to see pics of the abs contact me via my cellphone or email. I'll point you in the right direction. You can tell a band is incredible when they actually move me to moving my body. That's right, alcohol, heat, and Kristen and the noise made the perfect combination to get my Irish Jig on! And to think all of this happened on Thursday! Plenty Of weekend to go!

Friday was I like to call "get out of my face cause I didn't get enough sleep" day. I made it through my last day of Hazmat training, bottling up all my ET and "We've Gotta find that monkey" jokes. Note: Coors Light and cheesteaks (even chicken ones) cause some plumbing issues the day after. Thank god some of us have enough self control not to crave Wawa at 2 in the morning. After going back up to Trenton I decided to go back out. Why would I go back out after 3 hours of sleep. Complete respect for my body. Doesn't make sense to you? I respect my body enough to know just because I can't do things like I used to, doesn't make me a pussy. It just makes you only go out until you start passing out at a bar at 1030PM.

Saturday I went to Buddy's Graduation Party. I had never been to Losavio Land before. And I was impressed by the glory of it all. Although I was right that everyone seemed to enjoy Rocky movies. Just as I suspected. The real story was the trip back and forth. I managed to get lost both ways, which is surprisingly because A. Unlike Jon I have a sense of direction and B. well, Unlike Jon I have a sense of direction. I got to see a ranch named "Southern Comfort" when I was lost, which actually doesn't mean a damn thing, I just wanted to plug tasty Southern Comfort, enjoy it just as is or mix in your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.

Summing up, Weekends are kinda like George Bush. You sleep alot, you drink a lot, but you sure don't do any work! BA ZING!

Thanks to all who made it a great weekend!

And Special thanks to Pokey, where would Gumby be without you?

Tuesday, July 06, 2004

To Blog Or Not To Blog
That is the question that I am wrestling with right now. I don't have what I would consider "A" material for blogging, yet I'm still compelled to blog. You all know the kind of feels like when you go up for the buffet after you've had 8 servings and the food is no longer know you shouldn't do it, but you're determined to get your money's worth.
Anyway, it was my first weekend since my new job began...although if you think of that in Jon time, I'm starting my new job this week. Apparently Jon lost a week because he was abducted to Virginia by aliens or as he likes to say "A leadership meeting from Lockheed" Sure buddy, sure. Friday night didn't produce much because I was pretty much lazy all weekend...I did watch "The Thing" was ok. A typical 80's horror flick. But it did have Wilford Brimley! Anytime you get to see Wilford go apeshit with a shovel, it's worth the price of admission.
Saturday, I went over Juan's house in Princeton. Yeah, Juan is Jon's roommate from college for those that are new to the list, or just in case I'm reading this blog thirty years from now and can't remember who Juan was. Hey, you never know, space monkeys may have conquered us by then! anyway, I had a great time grillin' and chillin'. The real story of that day was that Jon got lost getting to my apartment. I have now lived in Hamilton for the better part of 1.5 years and still Jon has about as much sense of direction as Bill Clinton has sexual control. It's especially funny after he gets lost the first time, you give him directions and he gets lost again. That night I began preparation for Chili ala Pepper Jack to be served on Monday. Sunday was another blase day, I pretty much went to the gym, did some shoppin' and cooked the chili that day for the most part. I don't like to brag about my chili (well I really do like to brag about it, and since this is my blog I will always brag when I get the chance), I must go to an unnamed source to understand what my chili is like...take it away Zsa Zsa. "Ryan's Chili is better than sex!," Says Zsa Zsa Gabor. Monday I went to the gym and picked out a spankin' new suit. I gots some pinstripes now baby! Now all I needs is a pinky ring and Nine and I'll be ready to help Greg "deliver chickens".
Then I ate like a pig on Monday...actually I ate some chili and one burger and a few not that bad. Summing up the weekend: Unblogworthy, but I did the best with what I could. Kinda like my relationship with Jen! BA-zing!