Friday, July 30, 2004

Since I don't have time for a new post, here's one I stole from Jon's site circa 2002.  I was a little upset that ants and rust had taken over the pots, I had also just come home for work and was quite hungry...the following conversation took place on AOL IM...enjoy

Don't take *punch* no crap *punch* from noBODY!
Just when everyone things I'm the biggest beeotch in the world to life with, here comes Ryan to one-up me....
IrishIslander: i threw all our pots into the woods last night
jchain307: really?
jchain307: why?
IrishIslander: my apt is full of animals!
IrishIslander: they should live outdoorsjchain307: like you're not one of them
IrishIslander: so i put the pots out there
IrishIslander: i have my limits
IrishIslander: i never leave pots on the stove (mind you we have ants) with food in them!jchain307: but somebody did?
IrishIslander: yeah
IrishIslander: so i through them in the woods
IrishIslander: they obviously wnat to live with animals
IrishIslander: so i decided to put them out there with them
jchain307: "I'm had all I can stands, and I can't stands no more!"
jchain307: nice
IrishIslander: alright
IrishIslander: i gotta run
Ryan McCauley, call him what you will, tubby, drunkard, knucklhead, gas-machine, but you can't deny, the man's got a good arm! I mean, you should see how far the woods are from his back door. Lets just hope the crazies don't find them(yes, Ryan's apartment is right next to a Center for the Criminally Insane. He lives one flew away from the cuckoo's nest!)


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