Monday, July 26, 2004

My Trip To Del Boca Vista
Ok, so not exactly to Del Boca Vista, but I did head on down to the Sunshine State for a wedding this past weekend.  My cousin, Heather got married on Saturday to Teddy, and I'd like a chance to say Congratulations to both of you again.  My family and I flew down there on Friday, and I didn't need to go flying like B.A. Barrackus on the A-Team!  See, I'm not a great flyer, I just like being on the ground.  Call me a wuss, or what have you, just my way.  We took USAir down or as my father has dubbed it "USscare" (before you call the FBI into trying to figure out if this is some terrorist threat that my dad has posed towards USAir, use your brain, it's there for a reason). 
Florida is hot, hot, hot!
It is swamp ass hot down in Florida....I got up at 8Am a couple times and both times was greeted with 85 degree instant swamp ass.  The first day down there wasn't much, ate lunch at the Murray Brothers' Caddyshack restaurant.  Lots of pics of Bill and his bros.  After that I chilled with some family.  Some of them I hadn't seen in over 14 years so as they noted "you'r so much taller".  After that it was off to the San Sebastian Winery for the rehearsal dinner.  Good food and open bar always equals a good time.  But add in family and it turns into an awesome time.  After the winery it was back to the "courtesy suite" for more drinks.  Unfortunately, my body reminded me I had been up since 4AM, so I went to bed around 1030.  Woke up the next morning ready for some fun times.  I sat downstairs and attempted to go outside and read the paper....unfortunately the heat was ready to heat me, so I found a comfy chair and read the paper while I awaited my folks to arise for breakfast.  Dad appeared solo as my mom had her normal 2 glass of wine hangover.  I don't know where I get the ability to drink from, but it isn't heriditary.  We played some mini-golf, sat around the pool napped and ate a lite lunch at Sam Snead's.  (Jon, he used to be a golfer...I'm not sure if he's dead yet...something to check on tomorrow). 
After another nap (I like napping on vacation for some reason, but can't nap at home), it was time to get ready for the wedding while trying to catch updates on the Sox/Yanks game.  The service was great and presided over (no joke) Seamus O'Flynn.  Yup, only this Irish Catholic priest had a sense of humor and a self-deprecating one at that. 
RECEPTION TIME!!!!! Drink it up People
Onto the reception....where the highlight was a awesome time had by all!  They had 5 stations of food...and oh baby it was all soooooo good.  Grilling outside (lobster tails, shrimp kabobs, chix kabobs and veggie kabobs), Mashed potatoes (3 kinds of mashed potatoes with all the fixins...actually when I saw this station I had to go change my pants because I cremed myself), Salad, Lunchmeats/fruits/misc., and the meat carving station.  Later on there was fondoo for dipping all sorts of goodies, and of course cake.   I hung out mostly with my dad (Ryan go after the girl that is sitting on another guy's lap...I got your back), and a couple of uncles and aunts.  I got my dancing over with early so I could drink it up.  Took mom out on the floor, because I know she'd be happy to dance with me.  After awhile I realized my Uncle Ray (who is usually pretty quiet and subdued) was screaming "BEASTIE BOYSSSSSSS!" and falling on the dance floor...this from a guy who told his wife he was DD! As he was using the wall to hold himself up while saying his goodbyes, he told one of my cousin's she was awesome and gave us all fives.  Oh yeah and he also had tried to take the garter belt off his own niece....needless to say we all pointed him in the opposite direction.  This might make my uncle sound like a loser, but he's really a great guy.  Just doesn't get out much with 3 kids. 
After the wedding back to the courtesy suite for more boozing!  This courtesy suite rocks!  Anyway I left at 1130 because we had to get up early and drive to the airport...My sis's boyfriend got drunk and was pretty funny also.  Good times...then we flew back to Philly :(  I really want to thank my Uncle Paul and Auntie Donna for inviting me, and again say congrats to the newlyweds.  Oh, this blog is outta time!


At 10:19 AM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

This is a Post...this a post on a blog. Any questions?


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