Wednesday, June 16, 2004


NO, I haven't reassumed my masked alter ego. I did however make a small investment in a piece of machinery that will get me from A to B a helluva lot safer. Yes, I took the Maxima out to the shed and put a bullet in its brain stem; Old Yeller is no more. During its latter stages the Maxima was a virtual deathtrap. From the lack of brakes, to the bad alignment to the smell that seems to have followed into the new car (which leads me to conclude that I should bathe more regularly), to the windshield wipers that I actually got away with not working for 3 months...during the winter...think about that. How the fuck you might say? Well, eyes like a hawk and brains of a dinosaur! I had some great times with her, and she had...character...and a penchant for breaking down. But alas, a small part of me will miss her. For all her flaws, she was mine and we went through a lot. But onto to smaller and more gas efficient things! My 2001 Honda Civic. She's a 2 door, 4 cylinder, silver, piece of gas conserving rock! Real men would have gotten the Hemi, and burned numerous gallons of gas, I chose the car you couldn't mistake for a Mustang any ol' day. I look forward to new memories and new repairs to the Civic. Godspeed Maxima, and hello Civic!


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