Thursday, June 03, 2004

Alright, you don't have to get off my porch. Take a sittin' and I'll tell you some tales.
First off, a warning. Never see this movie...not today, not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow! Never! This movie was complete dribble. I have a feeling if Jon and I took a camera to Ocean City we could have made a more entertaining (albeit less visualy appealing movie). Thank god I have gassy and witty friends or I probably would have gone off running through the movie screen from my seat in the front row!
Yesterday I worked from 5AM till 10PM...think about that for a second.....................still settling in..................rage rising..............what the fuck, Ryan!So I covered another manager's ass who didn't pay a parking ticket for like 5 years then got pulled over and his car was impounded LAST WEEK. I drove him to work last week and helped out, then on Tuesday we both had off and he SHOULD have gotten this issue taken care of. But he obviously didn't because come Wednesday, he couldn't make it to work...coincidentally he also has off on Thursday, enabling him to have 3 days off. I'm the only one in the store that knows the truth of why he's out and I can't tell anyone. So I mention since I covered his butt, he should work on friday for me from 5-10. Notice, I don't have him cover my whole 12-10 shift, just half of it. He says he'll "make it up to somehow". I tend to feel that this isn't open for negotiation. I covered your ass, you...wait a minute I'm not finishing that sentence.
Does anyone know the Wayne Brady show got cancelled? There goes another inoffensive show...who cares! Bring back offensive shows like Family Guy!

Finally, I'd just like to promote Fahrenheit 9/11. It's Michael Moore's new movie about how Bush blew the opportunity in the post 9/11 world and his financial ties to Saudi's including Bin Laden's family. I'm really surprised Moore hasn't been found feet up in some shallow unmarked grave...or gone "missing", but as long as Michael Moore's motor skills are in tact, I'll listen to what he has to say, even if it's nothing else than a different opinion that makes you THINK. You know, not just accepting dribble handed out by those cast of characters at the White House. Alright guys, Mudd Butt


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