Saturday, March 13, 2004


Went to Atlantic City on Thursday night. Had a great time and learned a few things which I'll share with you.
1. Putting your money in a toilet and watching it swirl and go down the drain is just about as satisfying as gambling...without the free booze, twinkling lights, and smoke...unless you drop your money down a toilet at a frat party.

2. Old people shouldn't dance to songs like "Wild Thing", "I like the Way You Move" or for that matter any song where they get up on each other and grind. 60 year old people should not do that! It's wrong for me to have to see that...where's the FCC with the censorship when I really need it.

3. You get no phone reception in casinos. Why? Because that way you can't contact friends who would tell you to stop gambling and for god sakes don't bet your car. Well in my case I hope someone would tell me to bet my car.

4. Being spontaneous means being dirty. When you decide to go to a place right after work without time to stop for clothes, toothpaste, etc.; you wake up the next morning feeling just plain scummy. Especially if you're hanging around booze and cigarettes.

5. The White House isn't just where the President fucks up our nation. It also happens to be the name of a great sub place in Atlantic City.

6. Starsky and Hutch is a terrible movie. I didn't learn that in AC, but I did learn it nonetheless. DON'T WATCH IT, YOU'LL WANT TO POP YOUR OWN EYES OUT. But if you do watch it, I recommend drinking and singing karaoke afterwards.


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