Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Year 4 of Chilifest is over. But the remains of Chilifest grappled with me the next day as well. That's when chilifest turns in assfest. I get my annual call from the gas company to see if there is a leaky main in my house. I got into an argument with the family on Sunday night...coincidentaly right after I'd been drinking. I regret the approach I took into saying things to my parents, but not the material. Anyway back to Chilifest. Another great year, I think I rank it only 3 out of the 4 I've been to though. Trust me I had an awesome time pissing in the canal AGAIN, but the number one spot will always be the 2002 Chilifest, with the Patriots winning the super bowl later that day, and myself being hammered all day long. Even though last year they managed to stuff more people into the brewery than they manage to stuff immigrants into ship cargo holds, I still had a slightly better time. There was a certain jennasayqua...i have no idea how to spell it smarty pants, so don't worry about my spelling, worry about me punching you in the stomach for correcting my spelling. I made my first Lasagna last night. Not a big deal? Well considering I forgot to cook the noodles, it was a big deal. Luckily after putting down two layers, my roommate pointed out how dumb I was being. After fixing it I made a damn good lasagna in my own humble opinion. That's a spicy meatball!


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