Sunday, November 23, 2003

Another weekend has come and gone...and I am on but the footsteps of doom. Black Friday is upon me. No worries much as I dread it, I know we'll get through it. Had a pretty good day, swimming with the manatee's was great. Plus swimming helps get rid of that good ol' sexual frustration. I swam and swam and swam. And to top it off...swam some more! I saw a man sleeping on a bench in Princeton today...I thought Princeton bussed their homeless people out...oh well. Probably going to Top Dog on Wed. night! I doubt I will stay long or drink much, but I'll need a swig of grandpa's cough medicine after work. I really could go for some Longbottom Leaf right now....or some Old Tobey. Damnit! Must fight urge...


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