Monday, March 01, 2004

I'm back bitch....
So another weekend passes and another opportunity for unfiltered times of drinking and debauchery passes. I stayed clean this weekend...yes I know it's shocking to me too, but sometimes this little thing called work requires you to get up early and not be hung over. Personally, it sucks but the man says I have to talk to people without booze on the breath, so damnit that's what I do! Took mom out to dinner on Friday night...PF Chang's you beast! I think my favorite food might be those damn lettuce wraps...I think there's cocaine in them because you just can't get enough. Kinda like Red Balls. I also went to Paul and Joanne's new house...yeah my friends are getting houses one by one! I'm thinking about setting up an elaborate series of cardboard boxes...and waiting for a day without wind. I'll be king of the cardboard fort! After receiving Jon's racist message on Saturday night....that Canadian hating bastard, I found out that Paul lives near a strip's weird cause it doesn't look like a normal strip club. It looks like a neighborhood bar but with titties. Personally I think they should start making neighborhood strip clubs in every 'hood. Paul's town has an "Irish Store" in it, so I will be making frequent visits there...and occasionally visiting Paul. Sunday was a work blurrrrrrrrrrr, then went night night. And today starts March...the month of the Irish. Lock up your kids and clean out the gutters!


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