Sunday, February 22, 2004

Once again an unbeatable combination....until the next morning. Friday was one of the best Fridays I had in awhile. Started off with homemade pizzzas at Jon's crib. The extra z is for ZUPER! If you haven't had his pizza, make it a point to have some. Well, you should probably get to know him first, because I don't think he'd take kindly to strangers just showing up and looking for pie. Unless they're of the female sort...ziiiiiiing! Then onto the boozing! I hadn't played Asshole or Up The River Down The River in forever...but amazingly I played pretty well, except for the exercise ball! Damn you ball! Then off to Tiki Bob's and McFadden's! Quoting Rick James the entire night. If you ever want to go to a place where you can't hear yourself think, or you have a shitty date and don't want to listen to her talk...take her to one of these places...cause man I didn't hear anything except pulsating beats! I bet you're asking if I danced...well if you had to ask that, you aren't my friend because I can't dance. After some parking lot antics we were on our way to Pat's and Geno's for steakmmmmmm's! I don't think there is anything that beats a drunk cheese steak...except maybe drunk sex . After that I passed out on the floor against the wall at Jon's till 5AM whereupon sobering up I realized that I was PASSED OUT ON THE FLOOR AGAINST THE WALL and was not comfy. Around 11 Am I blogged the cheesesteak and pizza out. And all was good...for an hour then another blog. Pretty much sums up Saturday....and it was good...hallejuah!


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