Wednesday, March 24, 2004

Wednesdays with Ryan

This day was a lot like Jon...confusing and smelly. The smelly part usually comes out of my ass periodically; the confusing part is pretty much the rest of the day.
1. I had my car re-registered and inspected at the same time. First confusing part was that I did two things at the DMV and was out of there in about 30 mins and didn't have to speak another language to accomplish the task. My car didn't pass inspection, which is exactly what I expected from the sled that I call my car. But it wasn't the shitty breaks, broken windshield wipers, or other parts held together by tape that failed it. Oh no, I failed because a light was out on my license plate area. Huh? What the hell! So all those cars with the damn tinted things over the license plate holders are a-ok? See that's confusing!

2. So after that mess I went home and waited for the 'caaaaaaaaaaable guy' to show his face. After contemplating pulling a "Kramer" and not answering the door for the guy, I opened it because I've learned that a world without TV is not worth living! No, that's a total lie, I read a great book, and acutally talked to my roommate, so I think the lesson here is that TV is great in small quantities like Sopranos and Chappelle Show, but when you watch it to kill time, you have a problem...and that problem consists of a fatty belly.

3. I saw the Passion Of The Christ. Really great movie, but I don't think I have the mental capacity to say anything besides that. I think it's a movie that you'd have to see on your own and make your own decisions about. Things about life, religion, love, friends, etc. I will say what no one else will say...I think Mr. Gibson is totally lying when he said it wasn't about making money...I mean why else do you leave the ending open for a sequel...I mean c'mon, he's coming back from the dead. I think I've seen Mr. Krueger pull that trick a few times. ;) Just kidding Big Guy, don't be wrathful!

4. Finished Five People You Meet In Heaven. Not a hard read, but a great book nonetheless...Teaches you how everyones lives intertwine and everything has some purpose. So I guess when I fart, people on the other side of the room do feel the pain that is my gas. Well, I'm about blogged out....catch you all (errr Jon) on the flip side.


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