Thursday, March 18, 2004


And by people I mean gas...and by go I mean fart. And by making sense, I mean none! So St. Patty's day came and went. Usually it goes by like Hooters Wings: Great tasting on the way down, but you don't want to be near them at the end when they're on the way out. But this one was a quiet one. I think it may have had something to do with the fact that I worked 30 hours in two days. But it also might have had something to do with the fact that I slept only 2 hours the night before. See I think someone should make a definition on sleep. you don't "sleep" for 2 nap. Sleep should be considered sleep when only over 4 hours. Things seem better when you're sleepy....I think it's merely just delusional, but hey whatever works.

I'd finally like to use this space to plug Netflix...simply great. If you enjoy movies (And by movies I mean good ones, not pieces of shit (I'm looking at you, Starsky) then you'll love this service. As many movies as you can watch in a month! All for $20! Plus you don't have to pay for postage to mail the DVD's back? What kind of world is this? A movietastic world, baby!


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