Sunday, June 06, 2004

Weekend of a thousand words....or there abouts

What a whirlwind weekend...but what a great weekend.

Friday pretty much consisted of me working on 5 hours (another story) and coming home and slamming the two doors because the people below us had apparently been slamming them all night before I came home at 1020. I know I know, that's so petty, but so are they! nanananana!

Well Kristin's family came over for "brunch" on Saturday. I was around and there was food, so I figured I'd join in! The lesson to be learned here is to NEVER PASS UP FREE FOOD! Especially when it's good free food. Kristin's brother then took off to Colorado in a 1979 VW Bus. I wish them all the best in the world, because I don't think I'd trust that to make it to Pennsylvania, nevermind Colorado. At least the color is the distinctive "Kermit the Frog" green so if they have to ditch the car, I don't think it will be mistaken for many other VW Buses.

Afternoon was Steve and Lindsey's wedding. I went to the wedding stag, and I left stag. In between was OPEN BAR...which equals unlimited fun. Open Bar also allows you to hear peoples' opinions on you and other things that they won't normally talk about. Sometimes weddings make me feel alone since I haven't had a girl in awhile, but it also makes me realize that I have a ton of great friends that really appreciate you even if you do have more gas than a rhino. Now to the question that you've been asking yourself since you began reading that I went to a wedding "Did you jig, Ryan?" Well sadly, no since I didn't consume enough alcohol to provide the world with more images of horror.

Sunday Sunday!
Celebrated Mom's B-day with a surprise at Moshulu restaurant in Philly. It's a restaurant on a old sail powered boat. And man do they make good food. After some Corn meal encrusted calimari and a 4 egg omelet, I turned into Gassy McGee, and had to be tossed overboard. After swimming the Delaware back into Jersey, I didn't stink as much thanks to that fresh NJ air! Celebrated another b-day with Jon, and gave him what I consider and Awesome gift. The movie "It's Pat!" what a powerhouse performance, Julia Sweeney thank you for confusing us. Actually the real gift was The Critic. In my mind the Cartoon Hierarchy is 1. Simpsons 2. Family Guy 3. The Critic. In between the Simpson golden years and Family Guy was The Critic which I think was the trendsetter in randomness in cartoons that Family Guy seems to get a bunch of credit for. With bits like the one with Orson Wells hawking Rosebud peas "Rosebud peas, full of wholesgood and green penis" The comedy is golden! Well I think that wraps it....oh yeah muddbutt


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