Sunday, June 27, 2004

Operation Ryaqi Freedom


Saturday was my last day at the DSG Prison. Despite heavy resistance I found a way to escape and have entered my new job at Cape Environmental! Tomorrow June 28th 2004 I will begin the first leg of reconstruction of my life. Too many weekends and good times have been lost. Gym time was cut so I could work 60+ hours a week with no predetermined schedule. I look forward to pushing towards having a life and less bitterness. Alright, infidels, I'm outtie!


At 3:35 PM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

Notice that my pictures are really crappy....kinda like Bush's Presidency BA ZING!

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ryan Mac, I was out blog surfing looking for some info on wood working lathe when I ended up on your page. Obviously I ended up a little off base, but your topic caught my eye. While I am here, I just wanted to drop a quick note to comment your to move on and continue my search for wood working lathe. I am going to
bookmark your site for future reference and reading. Should you ever need it, you can get specific information about wood working lathe at the site above.


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