Monday, July 12, 2004

Giant Blogs, Giant Blogs, What Can I Say?

I feel like I've returned to the world of weekends just in the nic of time. Somehow, I've got something planned on just about every Saturday for the rest of the summer. I get the distinct impression that requesting off every Saturday for the summer, wouldn't have gone over so well at my ol' job. Now onto this weekends recap!

Weekends start on Thursdays (when you know you'll get out of work at 2 on Friday)
I had never known a weekend in recent times, nevermind weekends that start early.
Thursday was simply incredible. I'll set it up then knock it down.
1. Free Concert
2. Cheesesteaks
3. Finnigan's Wake

Y-100 has decided to do free concerts every Thursday all summer, and since my body always seems to point me in the direction of anything that is free (although I've learned somethings aren't that great even when they're free ice cream resulting in my soccer ball like physique). This concert I would rate as a C+. I couldn't see the band, I didn't know any songs, and I felt 10 years older than most people there. It still was a good time, mind you, just wasn't into the bands. Although we did manage to pass the time with the lovable pasttimes: Find the freakiest hair style (kudos the mohawk man) and Hottest Girl Under 18 (Note to any law enforcement officials watching this webpage...I only guess on girls that looked under 18, but weren't actually ;)

After listening to music in 80 degree heat, we managed to drag ourselves to some cheesesteaks at Tony Lukes. In my humble opinion the three best places to go to get some steaks in Philly (aka the best Cheesesteak Town) is Pat's, Geno's and Tony Luke's. I found myself with a Chix Cheesesteak, and although it was good I have had better chix. cheesesteaks. Call me classless, but I enjoy the chopped up chicken meat, not actual pieces of chicken. Does anyone else find themselves drawn to look at pictures of celebrities everytime you go to a place to eat, even though you know what celebrities are in the pictures and can probably find any given celeb's pic if only given their name? No? Anyone? Oh well, just me I guess.

The Finale: Finnigan's Wake
During my "I don't know what I'm talking about when it comes to music, cause I'm a goober phase" I used to think cover bands were hacks. Now that I've entered my "I realize cover bands can be really awesome especially when they have incredibly sexy lead singers" I really do appreciate cover bands. Kristen and The Noise were no exception to my new cover band mentality. Kristen has abs that you will dream about everynight after you see them for at least 4 nights and counting...If I stop dreaming of them, I'll let you know. If you'd like to checkout Kristen and the Rest, IF this link doesn't work and your a male and want to see pics of the abs contact me via my cellphone or email. I'll point you in the right direction. You can tell a band is incredible when they actually move me to moving my body. That's right, alcohol, heat, and Kristen and the noise made the perfect combination to get my Irish Jig on! And to think all of this happened on Thursday! Plenty Of weekend to go!

Friday was I like to call "get out of my face cause I didn't get enough sleep" day. I made it through my last day of Hazmat training, bottling up all my ET and "We've Gotta find that monkey" jokes. Note: Coors Light and cheesteaks (even chicken ones) cause some plumbing issues the day after. Thank god some of us have enough self control not to crave Wawa at 2 in the morning. After going back up to Trenton I decided to go back out. Why would I go back out after 3 hours of sleep. Complete respect for my body. Doesn't make sense to you? I respect my body enough to know just because I can't do things like I used to, doesn't make me a pussy. It just makes you only go out until you start passing out at a bar at 1030PM.

Saturday I went to Buddy's Graduation Party. I had never been to Losavio Land before. And I was impressed by the glory of it all. Although I was right that everyone seemed to enjoy Rocky movies. Just as I suspected. The real story was the trip back and forth. I managed to get lost both ways, which is surprisingly because A. Unlike Jon I have a sense of direction and B. well, Unlike Jon I have a sense of direction. I got to see a ranch named "Southern Comfort" when I was lost, which actually doesn't mean a damn thing, I just wanted to plug tasty Southern Comfort, enjoy it just as is or mix in your favorite non-alcoholic beverage.

Summing up, Weekends are kinda like George Bush. You sleep alot, you drink a lot, but you sure don't do any work! BA ZING!

Thanks to all who made it a great weekend!

And Special thanks to Pokey, where would Gumby be without you?


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