Tuesday, July 06, 2004

To Blog Or Not To Blog
That is the question that I am wrestling with right now. I don't have what I would consider "A" material for blogging, yet I'm still compelled to blog. You all know the feeling...it kind of feels like when you go up for the buffet after you've had 8 servings and the food is no longer fresh...you know you shouldn't do it, but you're determined to get your money's worth.
Anyway, it was my first weekend since my new job began...although if you think of that in Jon time, I'm starting my new job this week. Apparently Jon lost a week because he was abducted to Virginia by aliens or as he likes to say "A leadership meeting from Lockheed" Sure buddy, sure. Friday night didn't produce much because I was pretty much lazy all weekend...I did watch "The Thing"...it was ok. A typical 80's horror flick. But it did have Wilford Brimley! Anytime you get to see Wilford go apeshit with a shovel, it's worth the price of admission.
Saturday, I went over Juan's house in Princeton. Yeah, Juan is Jon's roommate from college for those that are new to the list, or just in case I'm reading this blog thirty years from now and can't remember who Juan was. Hey, you never know, space monkeys may have conquered us by then! anyway, I had a great time grillin' and chillin'. The real story of that day was that Jon got lost getting to my apartment. I have now lived in Hamilton for the better part of 1.5 years and still Jon has about as much sense of direction as Bill Clinton has sexual control. It's especially funny after he gets lost the first time, you give him directions and he gets lost again. That night I began preparation for Chili ala Pepper Jack to be served on Monday. Sunday was another blase day, I pretty much went to the gym, did some shoppin' and cooked the chili that day for the most part. I don't like to brag about my chili (well I really do like to brag about it, and since this is my blog I will always brag when I get the chance), I must go to an unnamed source to understand what my chili is like...take it away Zsa Zsa. "Ryan's Chili is better than sex!," Says Zsa Zsa Gabor. Monday I went to the gym and picked out a spankin' new suit. I gots some pinstripes now baby! Now all I needs is a pinky ring and Nine and I'll be ready to help Greg "deliver chickens".
Then I ate like a pig on Monday...actually I ate some chili and one burger and a few cookies...so not that bad. Summing up the weekend: Unblogworthy, but I did the best with what I could. Kinda like my relationship with Jen! BA-zing!


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