Sunday, July 18, 2004

I hope I've reached the point where I can joke about this...but if it hasn't, then I apologize in advance.  You'll see what I mean a little bit later, but for now onto the show! 
Friday or I, Rybot
Ever since Independence Day; Jon, Greg and myself have had a borderline neurotic obsession with seeing every Will Smith blockbuster.  There have been many great times including MIB, MIB2, and a few others.  But along with the good there have been the bad:  Wild Wild West, Ali.  "I, Robot" falls into the former category.  It was simply sickening...and I don't just mean that as a word describing how well it was made, I also use it to describe the camera movement which cause my stomach to turn on end.  I guess the real story of the movie is the fact that AMC has managed to further screw moviegoers.  Now, I'm going to sound like an old guy from the 50's saying "I remember when a movie cost a nickel!"  but I do remember when a student ID got you into a movie for $5, then $5.50, $6, and now $6.50....except now they've added $1 to that price on weekend movies.  Alas, like the dodo and free refills on popcorn, cheap student prices for movies are going bye bye.  I really go perturbed at the movie theater, and using the word perturbed gives me gas, so I'm going to stop ranting...
And move onto Saturday.  This is the day where I hope I've reached the point where I can joke about what happens...well you'll see what I mean when we get there.  Anyway, Mike, Paul, Ian, Matt and myself met up in Manayunk for Mike's bachelor party.  Not, you're probably going to say "Ryan, is this going to be a night where you just describe how much booze you can all fit, before your bodies reject alcohol in favor of Denny's Grand Slam breakfast?"  Noooooooooooooo, actually it started off that way.  We went to Manayunk Brewery, which I highly recommend the IPA...and not just because it has 8% alcohol.  So, we then walked off to another bar (Setup note, Ian had gone to the beach all day and decided not to eat anything till Manayunk and apparently not drank any liquids...silly rabbits drinks are for hydration).  Ok, so to make a long story short we were sitting at the next bar when Ian got up and didn't look great, but I just figured he was going to go puke or something.  A couple seconds later, we heard BAM! And we looked over and Ian was down on the ground.  (Editors note:  In case you don't know Ian or the situation or understand why I had a setup note earlier, I'll give you a little more info on the situation:  Ian had only had 2 drinks, he doesn't do drugs, he doesn't have allergies, and to my knowledge does not have a metal plate in his head.)  Obviously we all jumped out of our chairs to see what had happened and to make sure he was ok.  I have to say that when I got over to him I was quite scared, having never seen anyone black out in this manner...he managed to hit his head, chin and chest on the corner of a service area.  His eyes were completely glazed over and his hand was twitching a little bit.  I know all the guys were really scared...but then 5 seconds after we got over there, he popped up ala The Undertaker from the WWF.  The paramedics arrived and checked him out, he seemed ok and his vitals were fine.  After they left, we got Ian drinking some water, and started to talk about what happened when Ian started feeling like he had when he went down.  So the bartender called the paramedics back and Ian was off to the hospital with Matt riding shotgun.  The three of us waited for Shana to arrive so we could get to the hospital.  SIDENOTE:  THE AMERICAN HEALTH CARE SYSTEM IS IN COMPLETE WORKING ORDER, NO MATTER WHAT ANYONE SAYS ABOUT IT BEING IN DISSARAY DON'T LISTEN TO THOSE CRAZY "COMMIE LIBERALS" PUT YOUR FAITH IN PRESIDENT CHENEY AND BUSHBOY.  YOU KNOW CAUSE ON NURSE IN A PHILADEPHIA AREA HOSPITAL EMERGENCY ROOM MAKES SENSE!    Anyway, Ian ended up being ok, he was just dehydrated from his day at the beach and probably having those 2 beers given his dehyration were just enough to cause the black out.  I'm glad our friend only had something seemingly minor in comparison of what it could have been.  It's moments like that, that I realize I'm really lucky to have great friends that for some reason still hang around with me, despite the smell.  Seeing how we all were there for Ian, made me realize that everyone would be there for me if the roles were reversed.  Ian is fine now...drinking his Pedialite.  That's right Pedialite....sorry, Ian, but you drinking Pedialite is funny. 
This blog has been brough to you by the letters W and Z.  And also by the numbers 6, 4 and 22. 


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