Thursday, July 29, 2004

All By Myself…
Starting sometime in September, I will be all by myself for the duration of my lease which ends in December.  My roommate is going to be moving on to bigger and less smelly places.  I of course will not bathe from September to December, but I will still be around.  I’ve just though how weird the place will look half moved out.  Notable items that you may notice missing from my place:
Couches/Chairs…if you see one on the side of the road let me know it’s exact location
Silverware…you’d think I’d have bought some silverware myself, but nope.  Oh I have like serving spoons and tongs and such, but no silverware…except a paring knife.  I find it ironic that I’ll having a paring knife but nothing to pair it with. 
Curtains…looks like the neighbors will get a glimpse of the final frontier.
Shower Curtains…Nobody is sneaking up on me ala Psycho! 
Pictures…who needs pictures when you have a mirror?
Cleanliness…I assume the apartment will take on a gym sock smell. 
Food…there will be less of it…don’t come over expecting to be fed. 
After I’m done in December, it’s off to Del Boca Jonathan…or maybe home for a month to save so dough.  Pizza dough that is!  Now all we need is Greg, the beach, and momma Sonk’s pasta and beans! 

Today’s post has been brought to you by Jack’s Joke Shop off of exit 290 on 295..


At 1:20 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

I'm not sure what you have planned, but just for the record, showing up with noodles and cannallini beans is ok. Bags of sand and greg wrapped in a carpet is not.

At 10:11 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

The correlation is simple: both the blog administrator and the democrat you mention above have large craniums. Like sputnik, round and quite pointy in parts.
I may want the leather chairs, however first I have to find a chainsaw to turn the Jetta into a convertable.


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