Wednesday, July 28, 2004

“I’m Sort of Like Jesus but Not In a Sac religious way”
-Homer Simpson when on Hunger Strike
While not on hunger strike, I am on a hunger strike of my own sorts.  Unfortunately due to lack of time and funds, I am attempting to make it until Friday without any food in the apartment besides a few items.  A jar of peanut butter, a loaf of low carb bread, and a thing of sushi (I have three California rolls left), and some milk…oh yeah and some lemonade.  Why the hell are you doing this?  Well, until I get my $300 deposit back for my rental car that I had to get since I was in a car accident, I have a severe lack of funds.  Also I will have to soon pay rent, car insurance payment, deductible, and my student loan.  Along with some other smaller bills which I can make minimum payments on, or pay with plastic.  I will probably activate that Visa that came in the mail yesterday, but I really don’t want another credit card.  I have two and I keep them moderately in check, but plastic is a terrible thing sometimes.  Technically I am able to afford the $400 smack in the face for the deductible, but I can’t at the same time the $300 is out, and that won’t be refunded until 2-3 after it is processed at the site.  I don’t understand how they can take money out automatically and then it takes that long to go back in your account?  Anyone care to explain?   Oh well, the frosted side of me tells me I’m lucky to be alive and could be in a far worse place (example Crawford, Texas..BA Zing Bushie!) than having to worry about paying bills...but the plain side tells me to just eat the frosted side because I don’t have any food in the apartment.  Oh well, at least I get up on time for work! 


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

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