Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I Wish I was Ricky Williams...except for the crazy part

For those of you who don't know who this is...and I have a pretty idea who doesn't, Mr. Chain.  Ricky Williams is a pro football player...or should I say was.  You see Ricky "Crazier than Son of Sam" Williams decided to call it quits at the old age of 27.  That's right, he's retired.  He's going off to Asia and then to Martha's Vineyard.  While most people are just beginning to become embittered with the fact that they have another 35+ years of work ahead of them at the age of 27, Ricky retires a millionaire.  While he never lived up the expectation that came with him along with his Heisman trophy, Ricky did it his way. You know like the time he refused to take his helmets off for inteviews....for the WHOLE SEASON!  Ricky, I salute you...you high as a kite from marijuana bastard. 


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