Monday, February 13, 2006

People/Things I'm sick of

I'm Andy Rooney....
I figured I'd start there so I'd sound like a bitter, old man, which I'm not. I'm only 25

-People who only see things in black and white

-People who think they know things simply because they have an opinion. An opinion is an opinion, not facts so don't treat it as such.

-People who say I don't support troops because I didn't support the war in Iraq. That's two totally different things. If you can't see that, then in my opinion you're a buttmunch. Plain and simple, dickweed.

Mainly I am sick of the people above. I'm done being political except to a few people or if people attack whatever position I hold. I"m not going to bother anyone else. The way I look at it's not my business, unless you want to make it mine from now on. With that said, if you read this and you decide to disparage my opinion with your opinion, I'll pull a Kirkpatrick on you.

That's Jon's department.


At 4:11 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

In my opinion your opinion is just an opinion and opinion are opinions is my opinion.

Sounds like somebody had a case of the mondaaaays.


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