Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treat?

I guess Happy Halloween is in order, but then again, not many shows care about Halloween anymore so what's the point.
The main point of this blog is that I'm pissed about the Sox letting their G.M. walk. Not so much that, but the writing on the wall that accompanies this. Theo was the first GM in Red Sox history to build Red Sox teams that made the playoffs for 3 years in a row. He was also the first GM in 86 years to build a Red Sox world championship team. He was from Boston, so this will be a public relations disaster for the Sox to recover from. The boy wonder who was the youngest GM at the age of 30 to win a World Series.
What this does is leaves the Red Sox vulnerable and planless going into a free agent period when we have no CF leadoff hitter under contract, no closer, no bullpen, and our best hitter wants to be traded (but he can pick the team since he has a no trade clause). Larry Lucchino is a manipulative bastard who is showing his true, cheap colors. I have no doubt in my mind that the Red Sox will be torn apart piece by piece into a 70-80 million dollar team after Schilling retires or after this season. I am all for rebuilding but Theo's plan was to become the Braves with a higher payroll. 100-120 million. Lucchino manages to wreck franchises 5 years into being there, and this year will be year 4. The Sox have much to do...and they may have lost one fan forever. This is a dark day for Red Sox baseball, John Henry you let the wrong man go...


At 9:57 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

You know what I haven't had in a while?

Big League Chew.


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