Monday, August 08, 2005

Remember me Eddie?

Like one of Bing Crosby's kids, my Civic continues to take a beating. After last Thursday's incident that makes 3 accidents in one year for the Silver. That's right 3, we all remember the infamous road bump incident last July, followed by the Civic being backed into by some family in May, finally I got hit on the side by some lady cutting through a parking lot. Do I not see the bullseye on my car? Am i missing something? At least I know the last two accidents had nothing to do with being my fault, so I'm not a bad driver, I just pick bad spots and times to drive.
After getting the lady's insurance information, I quickly saw the address was located in Orlando Florida. The last person that hit me was going to Orlando, so I quickly concocted the theory that I should not go anywhere near Orlando (of for that matter Tony Orlando) because there will be nothing left of my car next time. Whether I happen to get in the path of some dip and get hit by a maniacal toon vehicle, or end up getting chased by weasels, no good can come out of this....


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