Monday, October 03, 2005


So Alex Rodriguez has decided to chip in his two cents about Rangers manager Buch Showalter pulling his starters early against the Angels. Because the Angels won and the Yanks lost, the Yankees lost homefield advantage against the Angels in their first round match up. A-Fraud goes onto say about Showalter's move:
"There's a code of honor when so much is on the line," Rodriguez told the Daily News. "You hope people do the right thing. But you can't control what people do."

You're right A-Fraud, when so much is on the line there is a code of honor which if you get in your time machine, or search the internet you can relive you BREAKING IT! Maybe if you had actually won the game yesterday it would have made the whole Showalter issue moot. But you didn't win, so shut your mouth and play. You're not the captain of the Yanks, there's a individual with class that occupies that position.


At 12:53 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Is it Jesus?

At 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL @ jonathan......close, since yanks fans will tell you Jeter walks on water.... signed anonymous tony

At 9:31 AM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

Jesus plays CF for the Red Sox...see pic of Johnny Damon


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