Sunday, August 21, 2005

Can I Get a (Jehovah) Witness and Unicycles

Not much to write about, so I'll keep it simple. On Saturday I had two incidents that I found extremely intersting and or ironic.

First was the visit by the Jehovah Witnesses. I usually check my peephole before I answer the door, but for some reason I just didn't on Saturday. I was busy watching Caddyshack enthralled by the "cinderella story". Unfortunately, that's when Curt and Tim decided to show up. The only thing when I saw two middle aged white guys holding bibles is "FUUUUUUUUUCK, there goes 20 mins of my life". Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with religion of any kind, but I'm at home and this is my private space. I know there are churches out there, and I know there are many kinds. I pray every night, but I don't believe in going to church every week as a ritualistic attitude. I believe that going or not going to church has no bearing on your character or kindness. If you NEED church that badly to decide if you are good or bad, you're not a good person, you're just scared that somebody with a big thunderbolt is ready to smite you so you behave. Anyway, they ended up talking about Jehovah or something for awhile..then I realized I left Caddyshack on blaring in the background and it got to the point where the bishop got struck by lightning and then later on no longer believes in God. Just found ironic with the Witnesses on my doorstep.

Next, on my way to work I saw a grown man riding a unicycle down the road. Yes, I said a unicycle. I didn't realized unicycling was a form of exercise until then, and the next thing I had to be careful of was this guy:

That's all folks!


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