Wednesday, August 17, 2005

An Apple A Day...

In my ongoing attempt at better health and weight loss i changed many things about my diet.
Instead of my usualy pizza and soda lunch or something to that affect, one meal a day is usually light and healthy. Fruit and a protein bar, or fruit/diet soda/small snack, etc. Today was no different. Let's take a quick inventory check of what I left with from home at 630 in the morning.
1. A Diet Orange Soda
2. An Apple
3. A roast pork on wheat roll sandwhich.

After a 10 minute commute, I took a restock of the inventory. Same items went into the fridge at work.

5.5 hours later I arrived ready to eat my small but satisfying lunch. I took the inventory again:
1. Diet orange Soda
2. Roast Pork

The apple had mysteriously disappeared. Now I know in these uncertain times when gas prices are higher than blow, some rules may change and some things may become more valuable then others. I hardly see a future where the strength of the Yen is dependent on a Golden Delicious apple. It also got me thinking who would steal an apple over a BBQ'd piece of pork? i've come the conclusion you may have to be the lowest form of humanity to knowingly steal a person's apple. I mean c'mon an apple. They grow on TREES! Who knows, maybe Johnny Appleseed needed some fresh ideas, but at least the remainder of the lunch kicked ass.



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