Tuesday, September 02, 2008

The Answer is Choice

Decisions are made everyday...some are mundane like deciding what to make for lunch, others are much more complex and include careful weighing of the positives and negatives for a decision. I've made a few decisions in my life and both I choose to believe will be for the positive. I've ended a "friendship". More and more I think and look at things, the more I feel like I was led in the wrong direction and told a pack of lies. It got me thinking why can't people just speak the truth and be accountable for their actions, whether it hurts another person or not. I couldn't find or tell you a specific answer in that accounts...amazingly all I could do is chuckle. I don't know if something's wrong with me if I find that amusing, but I do.

The other decision I made is to get my ass back to the gym on a more frequent basis. I've sat on the sidelines for too long in that respect. I thought long and hard and realized I could make excuses or I could make a choice. I want to live longer and enjoy life for a longer period of time and I can't do that with my borderline type 2 diabetes body I tote around right now. Expect an update on my weight hopefully once a month.
September 1 weight in: 211. October 1 Goal: 205.

See you out there.


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