Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Finkle and Einhorn

So I'm minding my own business at the gym today. Little Chest/Leg day...and we all know that chest day is the best day. When out of the corner of my eye what do I spy but what appears to be a guy wearing pink workout pants. Ok, I say to myself no biggie, this guy is gay and wants all his fellow gym members to notice. I go back to working out thinking all is right in the world. Then I notice something I didn't notice before. Despite this individual not being fat, he has man boobs....wait a minute those are not man boobs....that's a boob job! I found Captain Winky! So now I'm faced with a dillema whenever I happen to be at the gym the same time as the shim. What happens if I have to change my clothes? Do I forgo swimming? Damn shims, go back to soliciting Eddie Murphy for sex!


At 10:09 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Let he who is without man boobs cast the first stone.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Clear Green Vinyl said...

i fell very sorry for you! mustve been a nightmare! btw - that finkle/einhorn bit is one of the best movie scenes EVER!


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