Thursday, June 15, 2006

RIP Rocky

From 1993 till 2006, the little dog named Rocky was a part of the McCauley clan. As of June 14th, 2006 Rocky is no longer a part of the McCauley clan. Mom, Dad, and K made the humane decision to put Rock to sleep. It's a tough decision I'm glad I wasn't around to partake in, for as easy as it was for me to see the dog was in pain this past time I was up, its never easy to let go of a faithful friend, even if that friend is covered in fur. Looking ahead, if I have as much body hair as I do now, that could end up being in my eulogy. Poor little pooch had barely any use of his hind legs when I last saw him 2.5 weeks ago. I'll always remember when we got the little guy and he was barely able to run through the grass, and when I'd come home from school he'd jump all around and want to play with his chew toys and go nuts. Good memories...I'll miss you Rock.


At 8:28 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Bummer, and I had to find out about this through a month-old blog. My condolences to the McCauleys.

Although that actually could be in your eulogy, right after the part about other people having to wipe you after going tinkle. The similarities are uncanny...

At 1:19 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

We need a new post brotha! I come to check the blog, and it's still a depressing story. We need an happy tale of Ryan debauchery. Blogs about stupid drivers and/or coworkers don't count!


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