Monday, September 27, 2004

Zombie Nation

Yeah, I cheaped out on the title as you'll see later in this blog.
So the weekend was a pretty decent one, if you consider going to a fiesta and seeing a movie a pretty decent weekend. Friday was pretty much spent catching up with two of my best friends (the back of my eyelids...afterwork of course). Oh yeah, and I won the coveted PIG trophy at work for winning PIG in basketball. Jon, keep your tubby comments to yourself.
Yeah, that's right the short white guy won at a basketball game. Although, I played against two girls, and a bunch of other short white guys, here's hoping Equal Opportunity doesn't ruin my run at PIG!
Saturday I drove up to Mike's parent's house and hung out with a few friends and watched the Yankees/Sox game. Mike and his wife Natalie, Matt, Kristin, Jesse, and a bunch of Mike's brothers' friends were there. We had a Mexican fiesta during the game. And you know what they serve at Fiestas? Tequila! 4 shots of tequila didn't really effect me for some odd reason, but it was great to just hang out and talk with a few of the north jersey TCNJers that I don't get to see as much as I'd like to.
Sunday was off to the folks to catch up on some work with help from their high speed connection. After that, it was off to see Shawn of the Dead with Jon. The movie had it's moments, but they were not enough to make it a good movie. It was just ok, so don't believe the preview that raves "Peter Jackson, George Romero, and the director of Hellboy had a giant orgasm after seeing this movie". Disembowlment was not humorous in Braveheart and, surprise, it's still not humorous.
Does anyone find that new Burger King commercial, where "The King" is in bed with that guy serving breakfast, creepy? It just creeps the hell out of me.
I went to the supermarket tonight, and i was there for 40 minutes and I saw the typical meathead guy with his trophy girl acting extremely obnoxious and rude the whole time they're shopping. So then I go outside and parked in the spot next to me ,which is a "Woman with Infant spot, is a BMW Z3. I say to myself "Ryan, that doesn't look like the type of car that a woman with an infant child would drive". I was correct as the meathead and the trophy girl came out and hopped in. I know I sound like a grandpa when I say this, but that's crap. I guess there probably ain't many woman with infants shopping at 8 at night, but damnit, what's the difference in walking 10 more feet? Obnoxious pricks! Serenity Now!

Sunday, September 19, 2004


Why is it a weekend on fire? Well I'll tell you why...

Friday: Dave Attell, need I say more? Well I will, Dave Attell is an amazing comedic presence. I've seen some of the greats: Carlin and Chappelle and the semi great Lewis Black. I'd say Attell leap frogged Carlin to move into the number 2 spot behind Chappelle. Most of you probably know Attell from "Insomniac", but I know him best from the movie "Pootie Tang" playing Lechler's evil sidekick. Ok, I fibbed, I know him best from Insomniac, but if you haven't seen Pootie Tang...don't...well you can it's not terrible, well yes it is, but it's one of those movies that is so bad it's funny. And if you can't make it through it sober, make a drinking game up for it. It's great seeing a comic live when you've seen him or her in so many TV shows, or your friends quote him as if he were speaking the words of God. "Nobody has freckles on their ass, use a condom...braaaaaaah!" Oh yeah and the Sox beat the Yanks 3-2 in the last inning off Rivera to move within 2.5.

Saturday: I decided to watch the Yankees with Buddy down at his father's beach house in Little Egg Harbor Township. We tried inviting a few people but no one could come. I'm sure the Yankee fans are kicking themselves in the but for not joining us since the Yanks won 14-4. To be honest, I'm not that worried about the Sox. We'll make the playoffs and do our thang. During the game Buddy and I finished off a 12 pack, and began calling people to go to AC. Beer makes you make decisions that you either regret or enjoy. Again no one was in, so we headed to AC to make a fortune or make a choice that results in Peanut Butter sandwiches for lunch and dinner all week. We also decided to split whatever we won, which can be good or bad. My game is roulette and we started the night off at The Taj. Buddy proceeded to lose $60 in 5 minutes while I awaited a place to sit down. After an old broad keeled over, I sat down and put in for $60. I put my last $15 on the table and started winning and winning big. I was up $100 at one point, but ended up getting out of the game up $52. After that we walked around and decided to go to another casino. Buddy debated putting the remaining 50 he had in the game, but after seeing me win at the last hotel, he must of figured I had some strategy. I just pretty much put chips down and watch the blinking lights and hope for the best. Following this gameplan at Showboat, I won and additional $32 dollars. I was actually up $160, but three stupid numbers in a row (4, 0,4) destroyed my winnings. I got out while I was still up and made $84 for the night. After splitting my winnings with Buddy, I was up $42. Buddy recouped some money, I made some money and it was all good.
Buddy and I called Kerri and Kristin at this point to see if they were up to anything (note: when we were trying to find people to go to AC, Kerri had told us that she might want to do something later on.). It was 11ish by now, and Kristin and Kerri were drinking at their new house over an hour away. At first, Buddy and I were all ready for drinking and hanging out. But then we drove some distance and realized we were tired. We were worried that people would be passed out by the time we got there, and to myself, I really didn't want to show up extremely tired and pass out in like 30 minutes. I would have felt worse doing that, than calling them and telling them we weren't coming. Since this was a new place, I wanted to actually be able to coherently care about what they were telling me about their place and meeting their other roommates, instead of being Passout McGee. They had bought extra beer (which I will reimburse them for) planning on our arrival. Buddy and I reached exit 76 which was the halfway point between Buddy's beachhouse and their house, and we turned around. I knew we made the right decision when I passed out after ariving at Buddy's within 15 minutes. I would also like to state is that it was a collective decision to turnaround. We did call and tell them we weren't coming, and I'm sure they are both a little upset with us. Well I'd be pissed at us too, but life goes on.

Sunday: I went home on Sunday and hung out with the parents. I did some research into a career path that I'm investigating. I'll probably be doing a lot of investigating, especially until I get home in December. At that point, I will make decisions that may change the course of my future. Also I Sunday, I watched the movie "Man On Fire" with Denzel Washington and Christopher Walken. If you can't get Samuel L. Jackson for a militant or pissed off black man, your best bet is Denzel. It's a pretty good movie and a lot of stuff blows up. And you learn that YOU DON'T WANT TO PISS OFF DENZEL. You don't want to make him a "Man On Fire". The rest of the day, I watched some football and hung with the folks. The sox probably lost again since the last time I looked it was 8-1, but I don't care as much. You can't take things like that so seriously. Don't get me wrong, I love the sox and I'd probably drive up to Boston if they won the Series, but I can't be so worried with it. Ok, I am outta here!

Thursday, September 16, 2004


Well, I decided to buy Simpsons Season 4 the other night. I think this might be the best Simpsons season there is. From my alltime favorite episode "Marge vs. the Monorail" to "Whacking Day". It has a boatload of appearances from the late, great Phil Hartman. Back to the Monorail episode: "is there a chance the track could bend" "not on my life my hindu friend". Then there's the interaction between Quimby and Wiggum, and the guest appearance by our favorite little rascal, Leonard Nimoy. And of course the escalator to nowhere...waaaah. This is classic Simpsons before it got too built up on just all Homer episodes. And of course a bright eyed Conan O'Brien was a writer. Glory days of the Simpsons!

Do you want to change your name to Homer Junior, the kids could call you HoJu.

Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Thank You Slow Gas Leak

"So I said to myself, she's alone, I'm alone, why not annoy the hell out of her"
I'll admit that my Attell CD is somewhere in Tacoma or the garbage, so I can't remember it word for word.

So my goal for this week is to make it to Attell without going completely insane! Work is crazily busy, and I still can't totally comprehend everything that is now being shot at me. I wish that instead of being focused on one task at the previous jobsite, that I had been able to spend more time on the different aspects of my job. But alas, complaining is whiny. I am overrun with anticipation of seeing the comic stylings of Attell.

Things in life are going ok. I have a lot on my plate right now, and I don't have all the time in the world to spend time with people or even call people back, but I am not doing this on purpose. I'm legitimately busy with work, and I don't want anyone to think I'm dodging or avoiding them. Well, I gotta get going.


Friday, September 10, 2004


So Verizon is a communications company, right? You know they have that guy you want to punch in the gut saying "can you hear me now? good." on all those commercials. Well, I am trying to set up a job site. Over a week ago I site up an appointment for Verizon to be out in the morning today. So I wait....and wait....and wait. Nothing from Verizon, so I decide to call. I am put on hold for 50 mins then get a call waiting and hang up on Verizon. Actually the call waiting was from Verizon at 1143 AM saying they were lost. So I gave them directions and told them that I can come and find them to get them to the site. "thanks we'll call if we need you". So 2 hours go by and I decide to call again. I wait on the phone another 45 minutes with Verizon and get another call and pick that up. It's Verizon again and they're still lost. At this point I get a little more terse and say "I need you here by 330 and no later". Response is "no problem".
Well they never showed up. I never got a call, and I was put on hold for a colletive time of an hour and thirty five minutes. So how can a major communication country not COMMUNICATE! On hold for over an hour and a half, no calls to me when I say "call me if you want help getting here". Put your head down on the desk, put your big head down on the desk!

Monday, September 06, 2004


As I'm sure none of you have wondered, I've been extremely busy lately. My site has been very inactive, and I haven't written anything of substance since some time in August. I'll try to recap as best I can without being too windbagged...ok, I lied I can't promise no wind passing, but unless you're in the room with me, you don't have to worry. So I've been mad crazy at work setting up a new jobsite, and the next few weeks should be just as busy and exciting..yeah, yeah that's the ticket exciting. It's too much to explain and it's probably boring to everyone else, so I'm not going to go into that. Let me just say that unlike Jon, I do actually work at work. As far as my personal life, a decent amount of things have happened lately. Mike's wedding was last weekend, and it was a great day for a wedding. I wish Mike and Natalie all the best as they begin their collective futures together. I don't think I've seen either so happy. Also good luck moving into their new house! Which I believe they close on either today or tomorrow. All my friends are growing up. And here I am still not sure what direction I should take my life. More on that later.Labor Day weekend was uneventful at best. There were rumblings of plans, but I needed a weekend to myself...just to sit and think about my life. My mother says that "you put everyone before you, then you don't take care of yourself" and that "you should stop trying to please everyone and not worry about others as much". Maybe that's my personality issue to take care of. Maybe I do care too much about how others feel and when it comes to myself I run out of time. I would rather care too much about people that I care about, then not care about the people that I care about. My sister recently decided not to go to Rutgers University after spending two years at Camden County College. She's saving up money for a year to pursue her dream of acting and singing. She's decided not the safe, expected path that was to be her journey in life, but to take a chance on her dream. It's tremendously inspiring to see someone so close to me follow their dreams, especially my sister. From the expected to the unexpected. I severely doubt my sister will fail in her dream of acting, but her actions have had another consequence. I feel that I should take a chance and follow my dreams as well. I will soon begin looking into getting into a career in sports journalism/radio/tv. Sports are one of the few things that I can talk about hours on end, and I must say that I have the voice for radio. Well anyway, this blog has gone on long enough without anything funny in it so I leave you with this.Boobs