Monday, September 06, 2004


As I'm sure none of you have wondered, I've been extremely busy lately. My site has been very inactive, and I haven't written anything of substance since some time in August. I'll try to recap as best I can without being too windbagged...ok, I lied I can't promise no wind passing, but unless you're in the room with me, you don't have to worry. So I've been mad crazy at work setting up a new jobsite, and the next few weeks should be just as busy and exciting..yeah, yeah that's the ticket exciting. It's too much to explain and it's probably boring to everyone else, so I'm not going to go into that. Let me just say that unlike Jon, I do actually work at work. As far as my personal life, a decent amount of things have happened lately. Mike's wedding was last weekend, and it was a great day for a wedding. I wish Mike and Natalie all the best as they begin their collective futures together. I don't think I've seen either so happy. Also good luck moving into their new house! Which I believe they close on either today or tomorrow. All my friends are growing up. And here I am still not sure what direction I should take my life. More on that later.Labor Day weekend was uneventful at best. There were rumblings of plans, but I needed a weekend to myself...just to sit and think about my life. My mother says that "you put everyone before you, then you don't take care of yourself" and that "you should stop trying to please everyone and not worry about others as much". Maybe that's my personality issue to take care of. Maybe I do care too much about how others feel and when it comes to myself I run out of time. I would rather care too much about people that I care about, then not care about the people that I care about. My sister recently decided not to go to Rutgers University after spending two years at Camden County College. She's saving up money for a year to pursue her dream of acting and singing. She's decided not the safe, expected path that was to be her journey in life, but to take a chance on her dream. It's tremendously inspiring to see someone so close to me follow their dreams, especially my sister. From the expected to the unexpected. I severely doubt my sister will fail in her dream of acting, but her actions have had another consequence. I feel that I should take a chance and follow my dreams as well. I will soon begin looking into getting into a career in sports journalism/radio/tv. Sports are one of the few things that I can talk about hours on end, and I must say that I have the voice for radio. Well anyway, this blog has gone on long enough without anything funny in it so I leave you with this.Boobs


At 7:49 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Nothing with substance since august? Was there substance in August and I missed it?

I'm not sure about a voice for radio, but you sure have the face for radio!


Congrats on the pursuit of your dream. more on that later

At 10:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the postings? Pick a side Denver!


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