Monday, August 16, 2004

Friday was pretty uneventful, went to sleepy around midnight, had a piece of toast and a glass of water then went to bed. I went to Paul's housewarming party on Saturday, then got sick yesterday. I didn't drink much so I can only assume that I shouldn't have eaten meat that had sat out all day and been touched by 60 people. Or maybe I just got a one day thing. I also almost hit something yesterday...thanks to people I refer to as the Laundry Whores. I tell you about these jerks? They wait till you put your clothes into dryer, then when you go back to your apartment they take your clothes out and use your time. So you come back to see your clothes damp at best with an open door to the dryer indicating someone has tampered with your clothing...I got really pissed about it. maybe cause Iwas sick, or maybe because that's messed up. I slammed some doors in the laundry room then when I got back to the apt to get more quarters, I realized I shouldn't get that pissed about something so small. I should just get even. Cue the Dirty Work music...actually I was thinking about an elaborate game with mini computer cams so I could monitor my clothes at all times. This would of course entail that I not clean the apartment at the same time I'm doing my laundry so I could actually watch the security tapes, or it would entail hiring a security guy....named Griff. I don't know why he has to be named Griff, he just does. After that I cleaned the floors and the refigerator...I now only have 18 items in the fridge and 6 things in the freezer. It's amazing what happens when your diet consists of peanut butter sandwiches. mmmm peanut butter...see I don't think I talk enough about the goodness that is peanut butter. It can be creamy or it can be crunchy, but it's always tasty! If all things we made of peanut butter, the world would be sticky...but delicious. I guess if everything were made of peanut butter , the faucets better pour out milk. Ok, I'm going to get going...If you go two blogs down you'll see an interesting conversation going on about my stance on Israel. If you don't go two blogs down, go take a poop and Do Not Pass Go.

Ryan "Rufus" McCauley


At 5:22 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

I would like to go on record that ryan emailed the first part of this blog, then posted it here, and added some extra fluff about peanutbutter to distract me.
mmmm fluff-er-nutter sandwiches...
so what was I talking about?
Oh yeah, Greg's luxorious hippie hair. Because when I think luxorious hair, I think italian men.


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