Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Cat That Is
I've decided that I'm going to just put catchy words as my title so I can seduce people to actually read my blogs. Anyway, my friends Ian and Shanna went to Florida this week (with the promise of completely my pint glass collection that they started last summer with too Irish Kevin's mugs). Once again I'm in charge of feeding their cat, Madison, and making sure that there basement doesn't flood, the mail doesn't pile up, and probably making sure their house is still standing when they return. Let me just say that I don't like cats...I don't know why, they just don't seem friendly. It's not that I don't like animals, I have fish and my folks have a dog. I love dogs and would get one if they were allowed at my apartment complex. I just am not a cat fan...especially this cat. I've tried to keep a relative peace with it in the past...I try and pet it and play with it. I don't tease it, you know shit you don't do if you don't want it to claw your eyes out. How does he/she repay me? She constantly hisses and one time almost pounced on my head from on top of the fridge (I kid you not, it contorted it's body like it was going to leap, I quickly soiled myself and stepped away quickly). But now Madison seems to like me more, because I come by and sustain its existence by giving fresh food and water to it. Maybe I could live with a cat, but I still don't trust those shifty eyes....even if you purrrrrrr when I'm around. I heard that Catwoman really sucks, hence uh...proving my cat theory.

Peter: You know what I haven't had in awhile? Big League Chew


At 11:59 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Cats bad. Dogs good. I say we get a weiner dog for the condo.
"hey, i think he's got his thumb up that dog's ass..."

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

By the way you're right, he's definitely doing that dog

At 1:13 PM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

By the way you're right, he's definitely doing that dog


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