Thursday, August 05, 2004

My Life Sans A Roommate
Well, Kristin can't take it anymore. My odiferous ass smells have driven her from the apartment. I can't blame her, sometimes I think I need a military issue mask to take the fumes wafting up towards me. For those who don't know, Kristin is my roommate over at Wingate Apts (my less than humble abode). We've been roomies since Dec '02 and our lease actually doesn't end till Dec. '04 (She is out of there on Sept 1) so she must be really desparate to escape the smell since she's leaving early. I kid about the smell (well not about the smell, just kidding about the smell being the entire reason why she's leaving). Kristin yearns to live closer to home and when your home is near the beach,who can blame a person for wanting to live there. I know personally, that living at the beach produced some of the best times of my life. Then again it wasn't just where I was but rather the quality of friends I was with. I gotta admit with everything that has happened over the past couple weeks, I was kind of shocked that my roommate was leaving. My car accident, new job, my gut, are all new things or activities I've participated in recently. So more change was just like giving me the jimmy legs. But after pooping, it all settled in. As I'm sure Kristin will be the first to say about herself "I'm not an easy person to live with" but neither am I. I am stubborn, messy, moody (I attribute moodiness to working in retail), and geeky. Usually I cover up my faults with a batch of good ol' chili, but then I eat the chili and my own fault line cracks. But I digress, I had a really good 1.5 years of living with a person that I had never lived with before. Will I miss living with the roommate? Of course...I figure around 1 month of living on my own I'll either start dressing up for Halloween early, or take to inviting hobos into my which point I'll be able to try out my Hobo Chili (note this is a Dave Attell reference, I am not going to make chili out of hobos, although if the budget gets tight, who's going to miss them?) I had a great time at Wingate, but life goes on. I'll say goodbye to Mercer County (I Shall Return) and hello to Camden County again soon enough. I have to say that I really enjoy Mercer, it just has a great feel to it, kinda like Rhode Island does...another future Big Mac destination? South Jersey is South Jersey, I'm not dissing it, it's just not the same to me anymore. My opinion may change about South Jersey because I'll be living with best nucklehead friend and his sister at good ol' Tavistock. As geeky as I am now, my geekiness with be squared since I'll be living with Jon. I have a feeling Jon's sis is going to be rolling her eyes at us on more than a few know like when the Back to the Future references keep coming and coming. So to my old roommate I say "adieu and all the best", and to my new roommate "light a match" Oh well, when did my blogging turn into Doogie Howser's journal...Vinnie get out of the tree you Italia....


At 7:18 AM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

Touche, Alex.
I too have an uncle...come in


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