Monday, August 09, 2004

Chain Siblings: 0
Alcohol: 2

Well it was what I like to call a "light" weekend. Light in the fact that I really didn't do much. Friday, I was just burnt out. I had no energy to do anything, although I made a meager attempt to get a few of my old co-workers from Dick's to hang out, it was meager at best. I passed out around like 930 (like I said I was tired).
Saturday ended up being a pretty good day. I came home early in the day to go over some insurance paperwork with my parents, which ended up taking a lot quicker than I thought it would. I hit up the Bally's in Voorhees and saw someone from my previous life..err high school. I still find it odd seeing people you haven't seen in 6 years. Especially when they really haven't changed much and it's still hard to understand what they're saying. Heck, I even find it weird being out of high school six years...It's hard to believe it's been that long since I sat in a desk at Eastern, wondering how much longer until I go to college, and why oh why is Mr. Lyerly's class seem like it takes a year for every period in that sauna-like classroom. Night time was Rachel's 22nd birthday (Rachel is Jon's sister for those of you who don't know). Some of us did a little pregaming (Myself and Greg) and most did a lot of pregaming (everyone else) and two people decided that they didn't like what they had for dinner. Jon made it about 5 mins off the speedline before he realized that 3 shots in an hour is no good for the stomach. Rachel made it through the park before realizing that she could no longer stand under her own power. The group became separated and lost, I ended up sticking with Rachel till the rest could find us. I did my best impression of a crutch and limped her along the streets towards Old City (Rachel was damning the torpedos and full steam ahead at this point). A couple sit down and a throw up later and we were heading back to my car with Greg (the group had caught up and passed us at this point, but Greg was sober so stayed). Some old lady decided to harass us about Rachel's state, but I told her everything was a-ok. After Greg and I ditched the body (err Rachel) back at Jon's place, we hightailed it out of there to our respective abodes. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that if you aren't drunk it's hard to sleep on a couch. Jon had been also puking at Jackie's apartment shortly after getting off the speedline...Greg had to go over there in between helping me with Rachel and going home. All in all, I got some exercise, had a couple of beers and got a good at Walnut St. between 10th and 3rd. What happened to the rest of the partygoers? Well let's just say that a few houses and alleys had the distinct smell of urine the next day! Actually I think they made it to McFadden's in a cab, where I'm sure they got drunk and had a hilarious time. So, that is how it came to be
Alcohol: 2
Chain Siblings: 0
Shut out, hell they were even no hit.
Sunday was laundry, gym, menial tasks, light food shopping and etc. day. Like I said "light" weekend. Greg and Jon are both away this week. Greg in Jamaica, Jon in Hawaii...and I'm in New Jersey. What the fuck. I wish I could be in an exotic location, but Hamilton will have to suffice for now. Hopefully Greg brings me back some Cubans (cigars, although a hot Cuban gal pal would be nice) and Jon brings back his ability to handle alcohol without puking.
The Third Beer Olympics
August 20th at 64 Dunmore
Come one Come all.
The spirit of the Olympics drinks with all of us


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Amanda Bradley said...

not sure if i get the alcohol: 2, chain siblings:0 thing, but what kind of guy can't take 3 shots in an hour without puking?! unless i'm mistaken, it sounds like you're hanging out with some lightweights. and who took care of the passed out birthday girl? please tell me you didn't just leave her there, otherwise i'm gonna get all-old-lady-in-the-park on you

At 5:26 PM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

Well I/Greg but mostly I took the girl home. And waited for her to pass out (all of 10 seconds) before I went home. Locked her in the apartment then back to Hamilton! Civic Ho!(I'm still pumped about getting my car fixed) Yes Jon is a lightweight, but he was worse before college, better during college, but bad again. Ah who am I kidding, I used to drink a helluva lot more than I can now. Now I'm a big hairy jaj.

At 8:00 AM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

mmmmm Cuban Cigars and margaritas. Ok, I'm envious of Greg and Jon...I want to go to an exotic location....and Ocean City doesn't count.

At 5:54 PM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

You will bring me back Cubans
And watch out for the tropical storms!

At 12:05 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Switched places...LOL. Later I refigured what i drank. 2 soco and lime shots, 3 double shots of cranberry and vodka, and a gatorade with a double shot. I believe that's 10 shots in about 2.5 hours. 4 shots an hour.

I remember when Alex was attacked by Cicada Killers...well, actually he licked the bug zapper. Semantics really.


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