Thursday, August 19, 2004


That's right, another day, another workout crowded by idiots. You may well remember that I had mentioned how some idiot had the audacity to try and add a third person to the lane that I was swimming in the other day. Well that is a new total of FIVE!. Yeah, I didn't misspeak, there were five people in my lane. Two swimmers and 3 dead bodies or floaters. Floaters just kind of wade around in the pool, proving that fat does in fact float. Hey I can say this because I'm overweight myself, but unlike the floaters I AM DOING PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES IN THE POOL...YOU KNOW LIKE SWIMMING IN THE SWIMMING LANES! I managed to get in a good 30 mins of swimming freestyle ,I'm no Michael Phelps as I seemed to have developed U muscles instead of V muscles, either that or someone stuck a soccer ball down in my belly..maybe it was aliens...yeah that's the ticket, aliens abducted me and implanted fat in my body. I like to observe things so it kind of grossed me out when I observed a noticeable amount of sandy residue at the bottom of the pool. I can understand dirt getting in the pool...but when it starts making a little almost pile, that's called "lazy ass employees".

But I won't mention the name of my gym
All in all it's been a good experince there
Like the time that I uh
Let me think for a second
You know, I did have a delicious shake there once
So in conclusion, bad gym...good shakes

Kristin started taking things down last night in the apartment, the walls are starting to look like the stare Jon gives me when I talk about sports.
Well that's it for now...catch you later Bill and Ted!


At 4:54 PM, Blogger Amanda Bradley said...

so what gym do you go to? Good milkshakes, huh? That's enough to motivate me to work out there.


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