Wednesday, August 18, 2004

The Boo Birds Of Philly
Went to the brand-spankin' new Citizens Bank Park last night in Philly for the first time since it opened in April. I gotta say the place is pretty damn nice, as is the whole area now. Philly really seems to be giving an honest effort at revitalizing the area down there. Before the game we hit up McFadden's (attached to the ballpark, not the one near Spring Garden)...I think attaching a restaurant/bar that is legitimately a 'real' bar is a superb idea, however I think that $5 Bud Lights are a terrible idea. After downing a couple B.L's, Paul, Greg, Howie and myself took our $10 standing room only tix and headed inside. Aside note: You don't need to purchase actual seats, just spend $10 for standing can just bum seats off people or go sit at Harry K's. We walked around for a little bit, headed towards Ashburn Alley (that's where all the good food Tony Lukes (1 hr wait), Geno's (another 1 hr wait), crabfries (30 mins at least), Bull's BBQ...mmmm. We chose to go sit down and eat at Harry The K's (named after famed phillies broadcast Harry Kalas...not famed Chicago Cubs broadcaster Harry "if you were a hotdog, would you eat yourself" Carey. I had some decent $8.50 chicken fingers and a $5.50 Bud Light (they're $ 0.50 higher in the stadium). I think I might have watched maybe 2 innings of baseball, I was just watching all the sights (pink shirt, I'm talking to you), and talking with my friends. I did see Mike Lieberthal get unmercifully booed in the was quite funny. And just shows the fickle nature of sports fans. This is Ryan saying back, back, back GONE!


At 1:26 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...


i think you forgot a parenthesis. ahhh....time to turn the light switch on and off three times and head home.


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