Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Blogs will come tonight...sorry I've been pretty busy yesterday and today...blogs are coming!


At 12:59 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

If by hungover for 4 days you mean busy, then YES you've been absolutely swamped.

And I'm not sure, but did you say you could see why women found Sean Connery attractive?

At 4:46 PM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

My hungover ended late Sunday night.
Have you seen my glasses The look like this: -0^0-
They have been missing since the Beer Olympics

At 11:31 AM, Blogger Amanda Bradley said...

ryan mccauley, you are a liar! there is no blog posted from last night! i can't depend on you for anything. in other news, i know how fond you are of bodily excrement and as you were the one who posted the link to the original story, I wanted you to be the first to know. There is an update in the story about the poo falling from the chicago bridge on the poor innocent people below. It seems Dave Matthews' bus driver is being charged with dumping the poo as he crossed the bridge. What a waste of a lawsuit! Get it? waste?


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