Wednesday, August 25, 2004

I get it I messed up...I DIDN'T BLOG! Please forgive escapes the Spanish Inquisition!
Things have been rather busy, I'll recap as fast as I can because I don't really even have time to blog.
Friday: The Third Beer Olympics
It started with a torch run and fireworks and ended with me passed out on a couch and missing my glasses (Note: I don't have contacts either). So it started off like any Beer Olympics do, with drinking and plenty of it! I started off with 3 beers in 45 mins, then a game of beer pong (won), had a shot of kamikaze, shot of tequila, another game of beer pong (won) it starts getting blurry, another shot, me and 2 friends passed 3 bottles of Zima (what the?) around till we were finished, then I decided to funnel at least one beer ( I don't remember even funnelling so god knows how many I had) I drank all this from about 930 till 130 when I passed partner for pong tried to bring me to the table for the third game, but I decided it was time to pass out. I fell asleep with my glasses on...yet when I awoke POOF they were gone! I checked the couch and the surronding area, and couldn't find them when I woke up at 6AM. At this point I drove home and went back to look for them but couldn't find them. I really think someone took them, as I have witnesses that I passed out with glasses on and I've never had a problem losing glasses before. Oh well, for now it's the blind leading the non-blind.

Saturday: Engagement Party
You'd think that I'd have had enough of drinking from the night before, but whoever thought that does not know me. So I around 6 and hung out till 230...I didn't drank as much as Friday, but I still drank a good amount. They were serving huge as 8 ounce burgers or meat frisbees as they tended to look. You know how burger fat causes burgers to shrink...not these...didn't shrink at all! The buns covered maybe half the burger...incredible. Alex, even you would have a hard time downing 3 of these....but then again I shouldn't count you out for anything you baby gorilla.

Sunday, Painful Sunday
I awoke this day with a large amount of pain in my lower left abdomen. After looking up that the appendix is on the right side, I decided it was a good day to sit on the couch. The pain did not subside all day, but I managed to go over to Dunmore to watch a Sox game with Kris for the last time till he moves to Seattle. It sucks because there goes the only Sox fan I have in Jersey. Now the Yankee tools can just bend me over all day and I have no one to help me out. But he's going to "not live in Jersey all his life" which is damn commendable. Godspeed...oh yeah tonight I got one hour of sleep that's how much pain I was in

Monday: Stubborn
See, I'm a stubborn asshole. I don't go to the doctor right away...I'm not a pussy. Maybe that's why I've had so many injuries and nothing ever feals one hundred percent healed, but that's who I am...when the going gets tough, Ryan gets stupid. Finally around noon I ceded victory to the pain in my abdomen area, and called my doctor. The fit me in at 530, which was great of them. My doctor isn't that great...I don't know, he doesn't really ever give me anything that gives me relief. So after examining me "turn and cough" and pushing on me belly, and taking a sample of pee, he decided to write me a prescription for diarrhea and cramps. Thanks doc, not what I was having trouble with, but sure I'll take medicine that can make me drowsy. Despite my cracks on my quack, the medicine has helped enormously. Although I slept 3 hours monday night I felt so much better on Tuesday.

Tuesday: New Roommate
My new roommate is black, doesn't pay any bills, has lots of hair and yellow eyes. He's a damn cat! Remember how I complained about cats, well my seattle bound friend needs someone to watch his mom's cat till she can take it on October 10th, so I said yes. So far the cat just hides under my bed. He's very docile and fat. Kinda looks like a puma. Oh well, that's what's been going on with me...and I still can't find my glasses. I hope you are all happy. ;P


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Amanda Bradley said...

didn't you learn anything in college? beer before liquor, never sicker. If you're going to mix and match, doing the shots first would have been the way to go. btw, i think you left your glasses over at my place Friday night. What?? You don't remember that either??!!

At 10:49 AM, Blogger Rhonda said...

Damn, you drink a lot buddy.

At 11:49 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Its about time you got some p*55y!


At 12:14 PM, Blogger Ryan Mac said...

Actually that was the most I've drinken in a long long time...those days are over. Although the official funnel count is 3 not 1. I aim to please....hey your clock won't flush!


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