Sunday, September 19, 2004


Why is it a weekend on fire? Well I'll tell you why...

Friday: Dave Attell, need I say more? Well I will, Dave Attell is an amazing comedic presence. I've seen some of the greats: Carlin and Chappelle and the semi great Lewis Black. I'd say Attell leap frogged Carlin to move into the number 2 spot behind Chappelle. Most of you probably know Attell from "Insomniac", but I know him best from the movie "Pootie Tang" playing Lechler's evil sidekick. Ok, I fibbed, I know him best from Insomniac, but if you haven't seen Pootie Tang...don't...well you can it's not terrible, well yes it is, but it's one of those movies that is so bad it's funny. And if you can't make it through it sober, make a drinking game up for it. It's great seeing a comic live when you've seen him or her in so many TV shows, or your friends quote him as if he were speaking the words of God. "Nobody has freckles on their ass, use a condom...braaaaaaah!" Oh yeah and the Sox beat the Yanks 3-2 in the last inning off Rivera to move within 2.5.

Saturday: I decided to watch the Yankees with Buddy down at his father's beach house in Little Egg Harbor Township. We tried inviting a few people but no one could come. I'm sure the Yankee fans are kicking themselves in the but for not joining us since the Yanks won 14-4. To be honest, I'm not that worried about the Sox. We'll make the playoffs and do our thang. During the game Buddy and I finished off a 12 pack, and began calling people to go to AC. Beer makes you make decisions that you either regret or enjoy. Again no one was in, so we headed to AC to make a fortune or make a choice that results in Peanut Butter sandwiches for lunch and dinner all week. We also decided to split whatever we won, which can be good or bad. My game is roulette and we started the night off at The Taj. Buddy proceeded to lose $60 in 5 minutes while I awaited a place to sit down. After an old broad keeled over, I sat down and put in for $60. I put my last $15 on the table and started winning and winning big. I was up $100 at one point, but ended up getting out of the game up $52. After that we walked around and decided to go to another casino. Buddy debated putting the remaining 50 he had in the game, but after seeing me win at the last hotel, he must of figured I had some strategy. I just pretty much put chips down and watch the blinking lights and hope for the best. Following this gameplan at Showboat, I won and additional $32 dollars. I was actually up $160, but three stupid numbers in a row (4, 0,4) destroyed my winnings. I got out while I was still up and made $84 for the night. After splitting my winnings with Buddy, I was up $42. Buddy recouped some money, I made some money and it was all good.
Buddy and I called Kerri and Kristin at this point to see if they were up to anything (note: when we were trying to find people to go to AC, Kerri had told us that she might want to do something later on.). It was 11ish by now, and Kristin and Kerri were drinking at their new house over an hour away. At first, Buddy and I were all ready for drinking and hanging out. But then we drove some distance and realized we were tired. We were worried that people would be passed out by the time we got there, and to myself, I really didn't want to show up extremely tired and pass out in like 30 minutes. I would have felt worse doing that, than calling them and telling them we weren't coming. Since this was a new place, I wanted to actually be able to coherently care about what they were telling me about their place and meeting their other roommates, instead of being Passout McGee. They had bought extra beer (which I will reimburse them for) planning on our arrival. Buddy and I reached exit 76 which was the halfway point between Buddy's beachhouse and their house, and we turned around. I knew we made the right decision when I passed out after ariving at Buddy's within 15 minutes. I would also like to state is that it was a collective decision to turnaround. We did call and tell them we weren't coming, and I'm sure they are both a little upset with us. Well I'd be pissed at us too, but life goes on.

Sunday: I went home on Sunday and hung out with the parents. I did some research into a career path that I'm investigating. I'll probably be doing a lot of investigating, especially until I get home in December. At that point, I will make decisions that may change the course of my future. Also I Sunday, I watched the movie "Man On Fire" with Denzel Washington and Christopher Walken. If you can't get Samuel L. Jackson for a militant or pissed off black man, your best bet is Denzel. It's a pretty good movie and a lot of stuff blows up. And you learn that YOU DON'T WANT TO PISS OFF DENZEL. You don't want to make him a "Man On Fire". The rest of the day, I watched some football and hung with the folks. The sox probably lost again since the last time I looked it was 8-1, but I don't care as much. You can't take things like that so seriously. Don't get me wrong, I love the sox and I'd probably drive up to Boston if they won the Series, but I can't be so worried with it. Ok, I am outta here!


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