Friday, September 10, 2004


So Verizon is a communications company, right? You know they have that guy you want to punch in the gut saying "can you hear me now? good." on all those commercials. Well, I am trying to set up a job site. Over a week ago I site up an appointment for Verizon to be out in the morning today. So I wait....and wait....and wait. Nothing from Verizon, so I decide to call. I am put on hold for 50 mins then get a call waiting and hang up on Verizon. Actually the call waiting was from Verizon at 1143 AM saying they were lost. So I gave them directions and told them that I can come and find them to get them to the site. "thanks we'll call if we need you". So 2 hours go by and I decide to call again. I wait on the phone another 45 minutes with Verizon and get another call and pick that up. It's Verizon again and they're still lost. At this point I get a little more terse and say "I need you here by 330 and no later". Response is "no problem".
Well they never showed up. I never got a call, and I was put on hold for a colletive time of an hour and thirty five minutes. So how can a major communication country not COMMUNICATE! On hold for over an hour and a half, no calls to me when I say "call me if you want help getting here". Put your head down on the desk, put your big head down on the desk!


At 3:05 PM, Blogger Amanda Bradley said...

looks like maybe you might want to try switching to Cingular

At 5:03 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

He's angry, not retarded!


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