Monday, September 27, 2004

Zombie Nation

Yeah, I cheaped out on the title as you'll see later in this blog.
So the weekend was a pretty decent one, if you consider going to a fiesta and seeing a movie a pretty decent weekend. Friday was pretty much spent catching up with two of my best friends (the back of my eyelids...afterwork of course). Oh yeah, and I won the coveted PIG trophy at work for winning PIG in basketball. Jon, keep your tubby comments to yourself.
Yeah, that's right the short white guy won at a basketball game. Although, I played against two girls, and a bunch of other short white guys, here's hoping Equal Opportunity doesn't ruin my run at PIG!
Saturday I drove up to Mike's parent's house and hung out with a few friends and watched the Yankees/Sox game. Mike and his wife Natalie, Matt, Kristin, Jesse, and a bunch of Mike's brothers' friends were there. We had a Mexican fiesta during the game. And you know what they serve at Fiestas? Tequila! 4 shots of tequila didn't really effect me for some odd reason, but it was great to just hang out and talk with a few of the north jersey TCNJers that I don't get to see as much as I'd like to.
Sunday was off to the folks to catch up on some work with help from their high speed connection. After that, it was off to see Shawn of the Dead with Jon. The movie had it's moments, but they were not enough to make it a good movie. It was just ok, so don't believe the preview that raves "Peter Jackson, George Romero, and the director of Hellboy had a giant orgasm after seeing this movie". Disembowlment was not humorous in Braveheart and, surprise, it's still not humorous.
Does anyone find that new Burger King commercial, where "The King" is in bed with that guy serving breakfast, creepy? It just creeps the hell out of me.
I went to the supermarket tonight, and i was there for 40 minutes and I saw the typical meathead guy with his trophy girl acting extremely obnoxious and rude the whole time they're shopping. So then I go outside and parked in the spot next to me ,which is a "Woman with Infant spot, is a BMW Z3. I say to myself "Ryan, that doesn't look like the type of car that a woman with an infant child would drive". I was correct as the meathead and the trophy girl came out and hopped in. I know I sound like a grandpa when I say this, but that's crap. I guess there probably ain't many woman with infants shopping at 8 at night, but damnit, what's the difference in walking 10 more feet? Obnoxious pricks! Serenity Now!


At 10:42 AM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Easy there Jasper. Be fair, when you're weigthed down by a 4 inch blingin' cross and 2 fake boobs, those 10 feet can feel like a mile....or so I heard...

At 11:30 AM, Blogger Amanda Bradley said...

This demonstrates perfectly the perpetual question my college Biology professor always asked: "Why are people so butt-lazy???" Evolution was his answer, but I'm not so sure of that.


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