Monday, October 31, 2005

Trick or Treat?

I guess Happy Halloween is in order, but then again, not many shows care about Halloween anymore so what's the point.
The main point of this blog is that I'm pissed about the Sox letting their G.M. walk. Not so much that, but the writing on the wall that accompanies this. Theo was the first GM in Red Sox history to build Red Sox teams that made the playoffs for 3 years in a row. He was also the first GM in 86 years to build a Red Sox world championship team. He was from Boston, so this will be a public relations disaster for the Sox to recover from. The boy wonder who was the youngest GM at the age of 30 to win a World Series.
What this does is leaves the Red Sox vulnerable and planless going into a free agent period when we have no CF leadoff hitter under contract, no closer, no bullpen, and our best hitter wants to be traded (but he can pick the team since he has a no trade clause). Larry Lucchino is a manipulative bastard who is showing his true, cheap colors. I have no doubt in my mind that the Red Sox will be torn apart piece by piece into a 70-80 million dollar team after Schilling retires or after this season. I am all for rebuilding but Theo's plan was to become the Braves with a higher payroll. 100-120 million. Lucchino manages to wreck franchises 5 years into being there, and this year will be year 4. The Sox have much to do...and they may have lost one fan forever. This is a dark day for Red Sox baseball, John Henry you let the wrong man go...

Monday, October 24, 2005

'Cane and Abel

That's right, I just went Old Testament on you. So, Jacksonville survives another Hurricane "scare". I call it a "scare" because there was really not major threat to Jax from this hurricane. It was a whole bunch of hoopla for a storm that is far south of North Florida. It's not to say that Florida itself isn't taking a beating, last I checked there was some massive flooding going on in the keys, but nothing Nawlins style ala Katrina to report about. Not much to report on over the weekend. I had the whole weekend off, but I really didn't do much and it felt damn good. i busted out a kickass Back and Bi day saturday and a killer Tri and Shoulder day yesterday.
Oh, and I decided to make a trip to Walmart on Saturday....yeah, if I ever do that again, the only thing that will be falling except the prices is me off the top shelf ending the misery that is weekend shoppers at Sam Walton's dream. I must have missed the sign that said "Feel free to act like a dick" Alright, I should get to the gym....Adieu

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Rocked You Like A...

Alright everybody, you can breathe. Thanks to the Accuweather Forecast, it appears if I'll be safe from Wilma. According to Ollie Williams at the Blaccuweather Center it is "gonna rain". So all will be fine in Jax, feel free to visit anytime, just not during Hurricane Season.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Mindless Mind Wanderings

Another week dawns upon me, and another pay day lies at the end of that week....ah payday, sweet nectar of paying rent on time.
Not much is new in the life o' Ryan. In the Tour De Cants, I managed to bike 20 miles one day this week and a little over 12 miles on another day. The Baldwin Rail Train in Jacksonville is approximately 14.2 miles long, so I have a long way to go until I conquer the entire Trail. I think that should be a goal for the end of the year, but I'm going to go with it on how my body feels.

Sticking with the health topic, I've managed to stay away from fries for an entire month until this past friday...Damn you $5 cheese fries...I damn you to hell. I'm trying to make a decision about red meat...I really don't need it, and when I make my own food, I can barely tell the difference between Turkey and Beef anymore. I'm sure there will be points where I'll be craving Beef and I'm not going to try to completely give it up, just moderate things a lot better.

Seasons Change? I've entered the time of year I'm accustomed to seeing reds, yellows, and oranges in the skyline on my drives and walks around. This being my first year in Florida's Fall, I doubt I will get to see that unless "The Day After Tomorrow" comes true, at which point a Dick Cheney look-a-like will lead us into the ice age.

Oh and I'm not going to go to Chilifest. I cannot simply afford two trips that close together, and I want to have a great time on my NJ come wedding time. I apologize for not being able to make it, trust me when I say this decision was not easily reached. My memories of Chilifest always manage to bring a smile and a chuckle to my face when I think about the times had at the festival. For anyone interested check out you can get your ticket form there and go eat all the chili and drink all the Riverhorse beer you want for $35 and grab yourself a complimentary pint glass...Jon, grab me one if you go.


Friday, October 07, 2005

Cowboy Up!

Seems like an annual tradition if you're a Red Sox fan the past few years, but the Sox have put themselves in a hole against a team in a playoff series. Since 1999 the Sox have been down twice in the divisional series 0-2 and once in the ALCS 0-3. Everytime they have come back and won it, but no one knows when the luck will end. Hopefully they can avoid elimination for the games at Fenway. Hopefully whether he starts or not Kevin Millar remembers how to cowboy up or at least get some help from his old friend Mr. Jack Daniels...

Monday, October 03, 2005


So Alex Rodriguez has decided to chip in his two cents about Rangers manager Buch Showalter pulling his starters early against the Angels. Because the Angels won and the Yanks lost, the Yankees lost homefield advantage against the Angels in their first round match up. A-Fraud goes onto say about Showalter's move:
"There's a code of honor when so much is on the line," Rodriguez told the Daily News. "You hope people do the right thing. But you can't control what people do."

You're right A-Fraud, when so much is on the line there is a code of honor which if you get in your time machine, or search the internet you can relive you BREAKING IT! Maybe if you had actually won the game yesterday it would have made the whole Showalter issue moot. But you didn't win, so shut your mouth and play. You're not the captain of the Yanks, there's a individual with class that occupies that position.