Sunday, June 12, 2005

I'm Adorable

I'll be the first to admit it: I'm no great catch.
I fart, don't make a ton of money, have a lot of body hair, and have a head at least 2 sizes too big. That's why when I get a compliment from a prospective female friend I enjoy it. Out on Friday with the boys from work at "The Alehouse- Home of the $5 pitcher all the time", I received such a compliment. I was just minding my own business enjoying the company of fellow friends and employees, when the waitress (wearing a Sox cap) whispers into my ear "you're adorable". After the way I've let my body go to hell over the past few years, it felt really great to have a compliment like that after all the work at the gym I've put in for the past two months. That's about it for now, just thought I'd throw it down on the ol' online journal. Line of the night from the Family Guy: Ooooo feels like sheep!

Goodnight America!

Monday, June 06, 2005

Lesson Learned

Note: This is not meant to be bitter or angry in any way. This is just an observation from a gassy, short, stocky Irishman. Any semblance to an actual coherent thought is pure coincidence.

I've now lived in Florida for 4 months. Wow, can you believe that? Amazing, and I still love it here. Losing touch with people. It happens, life happens. Things get different and get busy when you start having a life. I don't have what I would quantify as a "life". I have a decent job, but I don't have any marriage prospects nor do I have any funds nearly adequate to buy a house, condo, etc. So I've basically placed friends into a few categories:
1. Calls are placed both ways in a frequently to decently frequent basis
2. Calls are placed by one side and returned by the other, but one side rarely if ever initiates the call.
3. Calls are placed by one party but not returned with any semblance of frequency by the other party which can lead to either:
4. Calls not placed by either party anymore
4A. Once in a blue moon call by usually one side.

Like I said, this isn't a knock on anyone, hell, I do it too, it's just what happens. Life happens. I love all my friends past and present and feel blessed to have met all of them. They have taught me many things. Some that are considered unnatural...(that's for you Jon).

Time is but a window, I'll be back

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Back It Up

So much stuff has happened in the past few months of "non-blogging" that I've forgotten to include somethings, and just plain forgot others. Here's one such story:
A few weeks ago I was returning from the gym, when out of the blue a Ford Explorer decided to introduce itself to the front of my car. Not to worry, the passenger was ok, besides the normal gassynous. And the car really wasn't that badly damaged, besides a trailer hitch size dent in the size of the front bumper. It's kind of funny looking back on it. Just seeing the lights flash from red to white and the SUV moving towards me. Everything moving in slow motion I let out a "noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" and honked the horn with a full force. I think the only thing I was able to do was slow the beast down. This was at a stop light so there wasn't a ton of room between the vehicles. The damage was done nonetheless. We quickly moved to a safer location to conduct the "insurance exchange" or as deadbeats call it "my only chance at suing somebody and making a ton of money off a fake neck injury". I'm no such person. I had the car estimated after the weekend, and found it actually caused $457 in damage to the front. Luckily the person that hit me is going to pay it out of pocket and we can all just put the ordeal behind us. Of course the guy was a tourist from Pennsylvania on vacation and on the way to Disney World. The moral of this story: Dutch people should stick to making bread and give up driving.