Monday, November 22, 2004

Dude, Where's My Blog?

I typed this really nice blog yesterday and posted it, but now it's gone. So instead you will not get a blog until I feel like typing a good one again...except for this piece of crap.
I'll leave with this

NJ is back on top! Way to go NJ, keep reaching for your instruments of death...and the skies. Although I will point out that NJ almost had the safest city as well...good ol' Brick Twp couldn't beat out Mass, once again proving that Massholes are better than Yankees fans.

Can't we all just get along?

Here's an interesting article on the fall of the Roman Empire....see if you can find the coincidences!
Ergo, vis a vis.


At 11:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man, Do I wish other people would comment on here...I only say that because I have no inner monologue.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Jonathan said...

Well I for one think this will be a great boon for the Riverline. Now, people can get from the horror that is Camden to Trenton, which is a scant number 4 on the top most dangerous places. I'm still waiting to be stopped at the tracks and see a flaming Riverline car drive by, possibly with Bill Cosby behind it screaming, "they shoulda never gave you n**as money!"


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