Sunday, November 07, 2004

Mocking Bird, Have you Heard?

So my title has nothing to really do with the day except that I had that moment from "Dumb and Dumber" when Harry and Lloyd sing that in my head all day. But I never make much sense, and I ain't startin' now!
This past weekend was a pretty good one. I've moved on from the Kerry defeat and have decided to make my life more positive, which means I'm concentrating on me. Things to do:
-Eat Healthier: I am a slob, I'm out of shape and my diet consists of ordering out for lunch at work everyday. Of course it's hard not to when you work in the Pine Barrens in a construction trailer, but I'm not going to make excuses. I'm cooking my meals for the week on Sunday and going from there.
-Less Alcohol. Yes, I'm going to try and cut down on my alcohol intake. Specifically beer. Concessions have to be made, and I can still hang out. I'll just be the DD.
-The first two items on here, will let me do the third item...Lose a lot of weight. I'm talking 40+ lbs have to if anybody wants some extra lard, lemme know. -Getting records in order and straightening the apartment. Living alone is good and bad. It's good because you don't have to worry about anything you do bothering the other person that you live with, and you can just relax....and yes you can walk around in the nude singing "Hakuna Matata". Ok, the last thing I don't do, I was just trying to wake you up...or give you a horrible mental image. Living alone is bad, because you have no one there to say "hey slobo, get your fat ass over to the sink and clean those dishes". It's basically about not giving into Unmotivation and staying on top of things.
Other things will probably fall in line when I get these things done, so I'm going to take it with these at the beginning. I may seem a little more greedy, and not spending as much time with people, but don't take it personally, I'm trying to get things in order. It's nothing personal, except with Jon...he personally smells like a damn ape to me. Take a shower after the gym big guy!

I did manage some fun in this weekend, in between balancing my life. Went to eat at Sticky Wicket and then went over to Shamrocks for some drinking with the guys. If you haven't been to Shamrocks in the past 2 months or more, you'd be surprised to find it's changed. Sure you still have the staples: Karaoke, darts, and Matt A still sings the best karaoke rendition of Bust A Move. But they've added more TV's, they have a buffet at 11pm, and instead of blue collar, middle aged guys hanging out, it's now barely legal girls. I swear that 50% of the girls in that bar were not out of high school.
Saturday, I made up with my parents and just chilled with them (fallout from the election cleared up). I don't agree with the fact that my father may purchase a gun for the household in case there's another 9/11 on 3 Horseshoe Drive, but it's his house and he can do what he wants.
Sunday I started operation "Cleanup McCauley" and began working on the phases that I spoke up above. I also watched Shrek 2 for the first time and I was pleased, but orge for orge the original still takes the cake.

Finally I bought two great CD's this weekend. Green Day's: Idiot America and Garden State Soundtrack. Both are great CDs but I have really fell in love with Garden State's music. It's such a mellow CD with incredible it's a bargain for $9.99 at Best Buy. I have to say
track 12 and 2 are my favorites so far, but I don't think I dislike a song on there.

PSS, If anyone wants to find something constructive as far as volunteering time somewhere, let me know. It's time I start doing something positive for others, but I'd love to have a buddy or two to go with. Peace all!


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