Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Bally's Total Bullshit

What's up all? Or judging by the lack of comments...none! For shame! Well it's hump day, and I don't have anyone to hump (are you really surprised?) but at least the work week is almost over!
Let me just clear something up. My gym sucks! It sucks! I play $53 a month to sit in other people's filth. The new thing from Bally's is "Personal Trainer Month". So a bunch of trainers watch you work out then occasionally comment on what you did. Take today when I was bench pressing and some guy was watching me from 10 feet away, I only got 6 reps and this guy comes up and says "you should have tried for more". Thanks chief, maybe if you had come over sooner instead of just watching me struggle you could have spotted for me and helped me get a few more out. I was more concerned with not dropping the bar on my chest. That's how stupid my gym is. I suppose the personal trainers are only allowed to help those who actually pay for their help and guidance, so I should consider myself lucky to get that one tip.

I do love being at the gym, it's just that for $53 I should have a gym where there's more than 2 pool lanes, one cable machine and one raquetball court. But I guess I should be happy I can afford a gym ;)

My boss at work bought us sailor's hats since our jobsite is on a lake. I feel like Gilligan wearing my hat. Skipper! It's amazing having a boss with a sense of humor...and sailor hats. Not that I wear it around...nooooooooooooo. Well anyway, it's a short blog tonight cause I have to go blog.


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