Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Weekend Update with Norm McDonald

And here is the fake news....

Ok, most of the news here is real. But sometimes I wish it was fake. I've been really busy at work, but I figured I would set aside a good ten minutes to talk about my favorite subject: what bumblefuck things have I been up to.
Friday night I ended up going to get some dinner and a couple drinks (only one beer, see I'm trying to lose weight). Went to someplace...Iron Brewery...fantastic place. The kind of bar that I like, no dancing, good beer. I had a light raspberry beer...god that sounds gay, but it was damn tasty. Kind of ironic there's a raspberry beer at Iron Brewery. Great food there also...I couldn't tell you where it's located since Paul took me down some backass Pennsy roads, but I'm sure it's got a website. After that I was supposed to hang with some cronies from Dick's but ended up passing out on the couch instead...at 930. Man, do I rock!

Saturday it was time to work at my second job and avoid punching unruly customers out. I kid I kid. I was alone on a Saturday in my department 2 weekends before black friday. Needless to say I was busy, but man did I sell! Even the kid with one leg got two shoes! Once again I kid I kid. After work I slammed the Honda into overdrive down to Jon's. Jon, Jackie, Jackie's family and I ate some homemade pizza. If you havent' had Jon's pizza, you haven't had Jon's pizza. It's amazing. After that we hung out and talked then Greg showed up and a prerequisite run for coffee was made. I ended up getting a 40....of Crystal Light Slushie! Holla! It's quite excellent...when mixed with Bacardi's. Hey, no beer remember. We also tried Gelato...a delicious Italian take on ice cream...served at Diane's Water Ice near Rt 73 and Evesham. Diane's where Ryan will plug your business if you feed him Gelato. After drinking much rum (actually it only seemed like a lot the next day) I went plop around 130-2. Videos will I assume be posted sometime in the future on nucklehead.net.
Around 5 AM something went really wrong really fast. The buffalo pizza and the rum wanted out and they wanted out bad! So I picked up my stuff and hightailed it home because I knew what was going to happen was going to be bad...very bad. And I will speak no more of it.
Sunday consisted of a slow moving morning, the gym, then off to work to set up internet at the site trailers with Jon. Jon quickly learned how unfun my jobsite is by merely coming here. It's trees as far as the eye can see! After that I went home and mostly just crashed and cleaned. I was exhausted. And that's the way the cookie crumbles...and my ass turns.


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