Thursday, December 22, 2005

Times Are a Changin'

It's just so odd. In 2004 the Sox were the slowly they're being disassembled.
Take a Look

2004 2006
CF Damon On the Yankees
2B Bellhorn On the Padres
RF Manny On the Sox for now...
DH Ortiz DH Sox
1B Millar Non Tendered
RF Nixon RF Sox
C Varitek C Sox
SS Cabrera SS Angels
3B Mueller 3B Dodgers

C Mirabelli C Padres
U Reese FA
OF Kapler FA
OF Roberts LF Padres
Mintkiewicz 1B Royals

Schilling Sox
Martinez Mets
Lowe Dodgers
Wakefield Sox
Arroyo Sox

Fouke Sox
Timlin Sox
Embree FA
Myers Yanks
Leskanic Retired
Mendoza Yanks

That's 9 out of 25. Only 4 everyday players remain, pending Manny's possible exit. I don't know if the new team has enough blue collar toughness to suceed in Boston. Only time can tell

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Can you hear me now?

Points of Reference *measured in dBA or decibels
-0 The softest sound a person can hear with normal hearing
-10 normal breathing
-20 whispering at 5 feet
-30 soft whisper
-50 rainfall
-60 normal conversation
-110 shouting in ear
-120 thunder

Alright so above is a point of reference for certain sounds you hear in life. Last night at the gym, I realized that there was a new point of reference.

- 130 Group of 3 (or more) guys speaking in Spanish

I've never heard a louder conversation at the gym and to say the least it was distracting. Usually music is a good motivational tool, and these voices were a motivational too to get an IPOD. I'm glad you guys feel free to talk so loud, but if I'm 20 feet away trying to do abs, I'd like to be able to hear myself count upwards. Gracias.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Fat Guuuuuuuuuuy In a Little Coat

There's some points in your life where you realize people are just dumb. For instance take a customer I had a couple days ago.
Now to set this up you must know two important facts:
1. The trunk size of a 2005 Nissan Altima is 15.6 cubic feet.
2. The size of a boxed ping pong table is 30.25 cubic feet.

A customer (with a distinct alcohol smell on his breath) approaches me and wishes to purchase a ping pong table. I say that's fine, which one and how will you be getting it home?
Customer: I will be getting home in my own vehicle.
Myself: Just to let you know, I've been doing this for the better part of 3.5 years and the only vehicle we've gotten the ping pong tables in is a Ford Excursion besides full size vans and pick up trucks. We will put it on your roof rack and provide the rope, but we can't tie it down.
Customer: Well, I have a Nissan Altima it should fit in there.
Myself: Sir, that's not likely as the box is 5.5 feet X 5.5 feet
Customer: No, it will fit.
Myself: Let me show you the box. (At this point I'd like to point out that the box is a square, each side being'll see the fun of this part in one minute)
Customer: Wow, that is a pretty good sized box.
Myself: Yeah, as you can see there is no way we could fit it in this way(I point to one side of the box)
Customer: Well yeah we couldn't get it in that way, but I want to put it in with this side first.(see, I told you that would pay off).
Myself: Sir, there is no way I can get this in your trunk
Customer: Well I have a deep trunk, even if we get a quarter of the box in, I'll take it home.
Myself: Sir, you can't drive it if you only have a quarter of the box in; it will fall out.
Customer: Well let's try it.
Myself: Inner Monologue, Self, if this guy gets this box even a little bit in his car he will want to take it home and he smells like alcohol and that smells like a liability lawsuit waiting to happen.
Myself: Sir, I can't put this in your vehicle.
Customer: I want to speak to a manager!
Myself: Fine, no one will put that in a car for you.

Ends up my boss told him "that no one in this store is going to waste their time showing you that this won't fit, so if you want to try it you and I are going to go try it". 30 seconds later, guy realizes he doesn't have a brain.

Common Sense, where art thou?