Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Top Ten Things I want For My Birthday

10. A Giant Flying Rat

9. A Punch to the Gut for George Bush

8. More Olsen Twins Movies...

7. Scraping Homeless people off my shoes

6. Gas that smells like peanut butter!

5. Who am I kidding...all things smell like peanut butter!

4. Jon to stop calling at 550 AM

3. A tasty beverage, because there isn't a man, woman or child today who doesn't enjoy a tasty beverage

2. A time traveling DeLorean

1. Britney Spears, Britney Spears, Britney Spears

Monday, May 03, 2004

Wow, It's been pretty much a month since I last blogged. I guess working 6 days a week will leave less times for things that I sometimes deem as "accessory" to life. You know like changing your underwear...did I say underwear, I meant to say brakes. Anyway to try and catch up on everything that has happened in the past month would be ludicrous, so let's just pretend that I was in a coma for a month and all is forgiven. While I'm making up stuff, I was in a coma and Rebecca Romijn Stamos was my nurse...and she touched me.
Anyway back to recently....
My dad is in the hospital to get some test done on his ticker. Yeah I know Jon, numerous "Dirty Work" jokes immediately spring to mind. "I'd be doing a lot better if you brought me a whore". It's good to be able to joke about arteries blocking and sickness....I thank god everyday that I'm able to have a good sense of humor about most things, and good friends to joke about things with. I'm looking at you putz! Side story about dad's trip to the hospital. Hospital workers may no next to nothing! My mom called me around 1100 today to say that my dad was at the Marlton hospital and would be moved to Voorhees at 2. I went to Marlton at noon only to be told by two different people that he was back at Voorhees. So I then drove to Voorhees only to have a lady look through an INDEX CARD FILE that my dad was there on the 4th floor (sidenote, this is the 21st century, why is my dad logged in by index card). I went up to my dad's room only to find his roommate and an empty bed. I proceeded to return to the first floor to see Index Card Lady, who insisted that "his card is here, he is here". I was then told that he could be in the OR recovery area and that my mom would be waiting in the OR waiting room. I then made my way there only to find a bunch of tired people that I have never met in my life. At this point I wondered to myself "How do you not know where a man is that is having heart problems? I severely doubt the man is hard to catch. It's not like he's Where's Waldo!" I left the kinda peeved, but eventually went back around 330 to find my father in my room. My sister and mom watched Oprah while my dad sat up for the first time since his "procedure" Basically they put some dye into his artery and tried to see if anything is blocked...which one area was 60% blocked. Tomorrow he goes through a stress test to see if he gets angio or just medication. Personally I think they should add door number 3 and just offer him a month's vacation to beautiful Hawaii.
After all this happens, I have to wonder what fun is in store for me and my portly ass if I can't get myself into better shape. Sure round is a shape, but it's not a healthy one. As my mom pointed out "You're your father's son" which I don't really need pointed out since I know I wasn't adopted. But she has a grandfather's blood pressure was in the 200's and my dad was admitted with a 171 over 110 gauge. I stress out just like my father and can't sleep when my mind is racing like him. Does this mean I eat nothing or do nothing fun ever again? Hell no bitches! This means I have to limit myself on eating things (which I had started before all this heart shit hit the fan) which are unhealthy and get my ass back to the gym more often. Sure it will be harder now that the real world has effectively sucked my life away. However at the same point, aren't you supposed to live life to the fullest? I guess like eating you should know when you're full. Did any of that make sense? Well I've said my for a piece of pie!